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Collection Area

Architecture, including landscape architecture

General Purpose

The general purpose of this collection is to support the undergraduate curriculum, and research requirements of the faculty in the major areas of Art History and Studio Art.  The collection also supports the research needs of the Thayer School of Engineering, as well as the Hood Museum of Art curatorial staff.  All aspects of architecture are covered, with particular emphasis on contemporary developments in architecture, and the history of Western architecture.  Japanese architecture is an expanding area of the collection.


The Department of Art was founded in1928, with an initial faculty focus on modern art, architectural history, and book arts.  Originally housed in the Carpenter Building, with the Sherman Art Library, the department for many years encompassed both the Art History major program, and a Studio Art (then called Visual Studies) major.  As the department grew and expanded over time, it became apparent that each major program was functioning independently, and that by the late 1970's, the Studio Art major had offices and studio space in the Hopkins Center.  In 1983, the Art History major, and Studio Art Major reformed as independent departments, both served by the art library collection.  The Thayer School of Engineering is primarily served by the Feldberg Library, but the collection of materials on contemporary architecture in Sherman is relevant to their research.


Dartmouth College Program

Resources on architecture support the overall curriculum of the Art History department, and courses specific to architectural history are routinely offered.  The Studio Art department offers a selection of architectural design courses each term, and typically includes an architect in their visiting artist program each year.  Students in each major may choose to concentrate their studies on architecture.

General Subject Boundaries

The architecture holdings are primarily found in Library of Congress classification NA, and landscape architecture is found in SB400-499.  Pre 1964 holdings would typically have been classed as Dewey 710-729, although many of Dartmouth's holding from this era are 750's. Some overlap of NA materials may be found in the Feldberg Library, and related material may be found in the TH (building technology) collections of Sherman, & Feldberg.  The Dana Library holds a collection of materials classed as S (agriculture), including some overlap of landscape architecture.  There is also some overlap with Baker Berry in H (urban planning) and D (ancient archaeology).


No language is excluded, although English is the primary language of the collection.  Materials in Western European languages, and in Japanese, are routinely collected.  Items in other languages are purchased occasionally for specific need.

Geographic Areas

Works on architecture are collected for all geographic areas.  Current areas of greater emphasis include Europe, North America, and East Asian regions, with some interest in South East Asia and also Africa.

Types of Material Collected

Emphasis is placed on periodicals as well as monographs (single and series), exhibition catalogues, guidebooks, indexes and bibliographies. Occasional dissertations, Festschrift and conference proceedings are also collected

Format of Materials Collected

Study photographs, original sketches, and blue prints are not collected.  The purchase of individual slides and images is the current responsibility of the Art History Visual Resources Collection.  All printed formats are collected, including microform, which is housed in the Jones Media Collection. Electronic media and resources are included in the collection, with a current focus on online resources, and DVD media, which is also housed in the Jones Media collection.

Other Resources Available

Worldcat in combination with Interlibrary Loan, greatly enhances access to materials outside of Dartmouth.  Borrow Direct is a very convenient service for books, although there is not as a great a selection of books available on architecture, due to the other member libraries non-circulating policies for their art collections.  The Avery Index to Architecture online, is also a valuable research tool.

LC Class

N- specifically NA, SB400-499, TT, Z

Related Policies

Archives: Dartmouth College History, Art Special Collection, Classics, Engineering, Fine Arts, Geography


Laura K. Graveline

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Last Updated: 9/5/23