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Collections Management and Planning Group

| Charge | Membership | Meeting Notes and Agendas


CMPG provides coordination and strategic planning for collections management at the system-wide level to support the curricular and scholarly information needs of the Dartmouth College community. CMPG advises and reports to the Associate Director for Information Resources.
As a planning group, CMPG stays current with new and emerging collections trends, and takes action on these where appropriate within the Dartmouth College environment. It develops strategies and action plans for short- and long-term collection development and management, including fiscal and institutional sustainability.The group's membership has a broad perspective on collections, and an in-depth knowledge of the information needs of Dartmouth's academic communities.
Its members have a clear understanding of issues and trends in scholarly communication, and the tools and technologies needed to build, manage, and provide access to collections.
CMPG charges working groups or individuals as needed to accomplish strategic projects, to explore new areas, to develop new programs, and to facilitate information sharing, communication, and problem solving. CMPG coordinates its work with other library groups as needed.

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Associate Librarian for Information Resources (chair), Program Director for Scholarly Communication, Copyright & Publishing, Head of Acquisitions Services, Head of Special Collections, Head of Preservation Services, Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services, Head of Research and Instruction Services, Head of Access & Delivery Services, Associate Director/Information Resources from the Biomedical Libraries, Digital Resources Coordinator, Cataloging and Metadata Services Supervisors, and 3-4 subject specialists from diverse subject areas. A member of the CD Forum Agenda Committee attends the CMPG meetings.

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Meeting Notes and Agendas

CMPG Minutes on Dartmouth College Library Staff Only Wiki