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Dartmouth Associates

  1. General Scope
    This section defines the general priorities governing selection. Include the following:
    1. Audience
      Rauner Library selectively collects the personal papers and publications produced by individuals associated with Dartmouth College. Associates are generally defined as people who have played an integral role in the College’s founding and development or have a formal association with the College (faculty, staff, alumni/ae, visiting fellows and board members). 

      Papers of associates will be acquired when those papers supplement the records of the College in some significant fashion, or document the creative and/or intellectual achievements of associates.

      Publications acquired will be writings by and about the alumni/ae and faculty of Dartmouth College and the professional schools, as well as books edited, illustrated, or designed and translated by alumni/ae and faculty members. 

      The collection of publications aims to be comprehensive for the first 150 years of the College (1769-1919). The collecting scope post-1919 is more limited: publications by or about alumni/ae and faculty whose personal papers are held by Special Collection are selectively collected as are the published works of some other alumni/ae of significant Dartmouth, national or international renown. Gifts from alumni/ae graduating after 1919 may be added to the collection with a preference given to their addition in the general stacks, as appropriate

      Dartmouth Associates materials are used by students, faculty, administrators and alumni as well as researchers from outside the institution conducting research on issues related to Dartmouth, the individuals themselves, the subject areas they worked in or taught in and the history of higher education in America. Dartmouth Asssociates materials are heavily used to support the teaching program in Rauner Library.
    2. Boundaries
      There are no subject boundaries.  Selection of materials is through manuscript selection.
    3. Partnerships
  2. Specific Delimitations to collecting in this subject area
    1. Languages
      Predominately English, but all languages maybe collected.
    2. Geographical Areas (if applicable)
      There are no geographic boundries for these materials.
    3. Types of Materials Collected
      All types of materials are collected in personal papers. Publications primarily consist of monographs and serials; textbooks are excluded. Pamphlets and articles may be collected but are more often maintained with the Alumni/ae Files.
    4. Format of Materials Collected
      No formats are excluded.
    5. Collective Collections
  3. Revision History
    In reverse chronological order, indicate
    • December 2009
    • Peter Carini, revised to supercede: Archives:
      Webster, Anne Ostendarp, 1998
      Archives: College Alumni Publications, Anne Ostendarp, 1998
    • September 2016
    • Peter Carini, updated
    • Current selector: Peter Carini
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Last Updated: 4/19/17