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Mass Media/Mass Communications

General Scope

This collection development policy covers Communication and Mass Communication only. There are separate collection developments policies for Television and Radio and Journalism.

  1. Audience
    There is no established program for Mass Media. However, English, Film & Television, History, Government, the Institute for Writing & Rhetoric and the foreign language departments are just some that use the materials collected. The English Department made made a commitment to offer 1 Journalism course every Spring Term starting with 2006. Prior to that, it was under Women & Gender Studies which offered a Journalism course once every other academic year. The Institute for Writing & Rhetoric began offering Speech courses and others for Writing within the various broad disciplines in 2012.

  2. Boundaries
    This policy looks at mass media in general terms. We want to collect materials which look at person to person communication or communication within groups or organizations. We also will collect materials that look at communication historically and also its future. This is where some of the resources for Speech and subject specific Writing courses are collected. The call number ranges include P92 - P96; PN 1991; PN 1992 and PN 4700 - 5650.

    Mass media such as Television, Radio and Journalism have their own policies.

  3. Partnerships
    There are no partnerships outside of Borrow Direct. The other Ivies Plus members have their own Mass Media or Communications departments.

Specific Delimitations to collecting in this subject area

  1. Languages
    Most of the materials collected are in English. However, the foreign language Bibliographers may add resources published in the languages they handle. Also, the bibliographer may purchase non-English language seminal works for Communications.

  2. Geographical Areas (if applicable)
    The materials collected are heavily weighted towards the Anglo-American world.

  3. Types of Materials Collected
    We collect all types of print and electronic resources for Communication.

  4. Format of Materials Collected
    The formats include print and electronic text. We have a preference for collecting electronic encyclopedias, handbooks, guides, and dictionaries rather than those in print. This gives our users easier access to resources that provide quick information.

  5. Collective Collections
    Our participation in Borrow Direct gives our users access to higher level works in all areas of Communications. Since the other institutions offer degrees in Communications, we can rely on their more extension collections.

Revision History

Collection development policy revised by Lucinda M. Hall, September 28, 2016; originally created by Lucinda M. Hall, 2006.

Current bibliographer

Lucinda M. Hall

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Last Updated: 4/19/17