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Letter from Robert Huke, Dartmouth College, to Robert Oppenheimer, Princeton University, 29 October 1958

oppenheimer letter, 1958October 29,1958

Dear Mr. Oppenheimer:

I am indeed honored that you have been able to accept my invitation to speak at Dartmouth College on Thursday, March 5. I hardly need to say that your lecture will be one of the outstanding events of our school year. Perhaps Mrs. Hodson has told you you will be in good company as the Lecture Series has also scheduled such people as Clement Atlee, Cmdr. Calvert of the USS Skate, and Charles E. Wilson, in addition to Professor Cressey who did an excellent job last week.

Your lecture will be scheduled for 8:30 p.m. and we shall plan a dinner in your honor for 6 o'clock that same evening. The Lecture Series Committee would like very much to plan a reception for you either the afternoon of the lecture, the following afternoon or immediately after your speech, whichever time best suits your already busy schedule.

I have reserved a double room at the Hanover Inn in your name and you may stay with us as many nights as you care to. If you plan to bring more than one additional person please let me know so that I may reserve more rooms.

I shall be in touch with you at some later date to make final arrangements. If you would like assistance in planning transportation or if I can help in any other way please do not hesitate to call.

Yours truly,
Robert E. Huke
Dartmouth College Lecture Series

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Text and image reproduced here with permission from the papers of J. Robert Oppenheimer, held in the manuscript division of the Library of Congress.

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Last Updated: 4/19/17