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Letter from Leonard Rieser, Jr., Dartmouth College, to Robert Oppenheimer, Princeton University, 4 November 1958

oppenheimer letter, 1958November 4, 1958

Dr. J.R. Oppenheimer
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Dr. Oppenheimer:

           I was very pleased to learn that you had accepted the invitation from the Lecture Series Committee to speak at Dartmouth in March. It is my hope that you will also speak informally on a physical topic to the faculty and advanced students in the physics department. Actually, I suspect that such a lecture would attract students and faculty in related science departments, such as mathematics.

           We had several lectures last year addressed to such an audience, including one on parity by Otto Frisch. It was very successful and established the value of such an experience for students completing their undergraduate work. We hope your stay will be long enough to permit such a lecture and we would, of course, arrange a time to most easily fit your schedule. In addition, I should like to seek your advice on the general question of theoretical physics in a primarily undergraduate college. This has an obvious bearing on our choice of faculty which presently includes two young theorists.

           I look forward to meeting you again and hope your wife will be able to join you in your visit to the North Country.

Sincerely yours,
Leonard M. Rieser, Jr.

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 Text and image reproduced here with permission from the papers of J. Robert Oppenheimer, held in the manuscript division of the Library of Congress.

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Last Updated: 4/19/17