User Assessment Group (UAG)
The Dartmouth College Library User Assessment Group (UAG) is charged with ongoing assessment of user experiences and expectations, and with integrating user feedback into the ongoing development of Library services. UAG achieves this through the following:
- Serves as a resource to Library administration, departments and committees wanting to include user feedback in meeting service goals.
- Assists the Library Assessment Committee with encouraging the use of assessment methods to develop library programs, collections and services that meet users’ needs.
- Keeps abreast of tools and techniques for evaluating the library web environment, such as usability testing, surveys (print & online) and focus groups.
- Performs regular, ongoing assessment of the Library website, specifically efficiency of use, accomplishment of tasks, effectiveness of the website as a teaching tool, and ways to improve features and functionalities.
- Performs regular, ongoing assessment of the Library Catalog and other discovery tools by assisting other working groups with integrating user feedback into their project development.
- Coordinates user testing to prevent constituency exhaustion.
- Regularly reaches out to user groups to develop lists of users willing to participate in user assessment.
Updated by UAG on 11.10.08