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UAG Related Links

Library Usability Information

University of Arizona
This link contains a number of usability papers and presentations given by staff at the University of Arizona Library. Scroll down the page to the "Presentations by Access 2000" heading.
California Digital Library
Assessment and Usability at CDL; Includes information on a "Usability testing toolkit".
Usability at MIT
The Web Advisory Group's website on usability testing at the MIT Library.
MIT Libraries: The Big Test
Usability testing to find out how MIT users interact with their information environment as a whole, not just how people search each individual component of that environment (from 2002)
University of Michigan Usability
UM Library Usability Studies and resources
University of Virginia
Usability testing at the University of Virginia
University of Washington Usability
Includes information on usability and assessment effots at UWASH

Usability Websites

Articles on Usability
From Human Factors International (HFI), a user-centered design company.
Jakob Nielsen's Website
Including 'Alertbox'; one of the most popular column's on web usability.
Usability.gov Website
US Deptartment of Health and Human Services, resource for designing usable, useful and accessible web sites and user interfaces
Topics in Usability from the Usability and User Experience Community
These pages are collections of resources on specific topics of interest to usability practitioners, including books, websites, articles, tools, and organizations. The Usability and User Experience Community is a community of practice within STC, the Society for Technical Communication.
Articles & Interviews from the UIE Roadshow
UIE (User Interface Engineering) sponsers training in field techniques, persona development, and usability testing. Articles by Jared M. Spool, such as "Seven Common Usability Testing Mistakes" and "Preventing Usability Problems from the Get-go"are included here.
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Last Updated: 9/12/17