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Non-Circulating Collections Conservation

Leather RebackIn 2007, the “Point System” was established in order to address non-circulating collections. This system was developed by the Library of Congress to help organize, set priorities and establish workflow for conservation treatments. Points are essentially hours of bench time available to execute conservation treatments, with each point equivalent to one hour of time. The review and treatment period works on a six month cycle. The libraries included in the point system are: Art Special Collections, Dana Biomedical Libraries, Evans Map Room, and Rauner Special Collections Library.


For items that are receiving significant treatment, in which will be a notable change to the item’s appearance or structure, full written and photodocumentation is performed prior to and after treatment. Photographic documentation is performed according to the standards set forth in the AIC Guide to Digital Photography and Conservation Documentation published by the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.

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Last Updated: 7/26/21