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Collections Emergencies



  1. Stay out of areas with standing water.
  2. Call Facilities Operations & Management:
    Daytime - (603) 646-2485, Evenings/Weekends - (603) 646-2344.
  3. Secure the affected area. Post a staff member at the site to keep out unauthorized personnel.
  4. Contact the librarian in charge.
  5. Notify Preservation Services.
  6. Direct FO&M and Preservation Services staff to the site.

Water Leaks

  1. Call Facilities Operations & Management:
    Daytime - (603) 646-2485, Evenings/Weekends - (603) 646-2344.
  2. Secure the affected area. Post a staff member at the site to keep out unauthorized personnel.
  3. Contact the librarian in charge.
  4. Notify Preservation Services.
  5. Take steps to protect the collection IF it is safe to do so:
    1. Protect the collection by draping plastic over stacks.
    2. Remove materials from under leaks.
    3. Handle wet materials gently. Do not open or close wet books.

Fire -- Safety First !!! --

  1. Pull the fire alarm and call 911 to report the location of the fire.
  2. If the alarm activates on its own, leave the building. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS!
  3. Close windows only IF it is safe to do so.
  4. Notify Preservation Services when safety permits.

Emergency Numbers

  • Fire Department: 911
  • Police: 911
  • Ambulance: 911
  • Facilities Repair (Daytime): (603) 646-2485
    (Nights and Weekends): (603) 646-2344
  • Safety & Security: (603) 646-3333
  • Preservation Services: (603) 646-2458
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Last Updated: 3/4/22