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Fall 2020 Faculty FAQ

FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

Last updated September 17, 2020


Policy Updates






Course Changes


Policy Updates


Where do I find information on any policy changes for fall 2020 ?

The Registrar’s Office will add any known policy changes for fall 2020 in the Academic Policy FAQ and use other means of communication to the Dartmouth Community.


How will students know which classes are held remotely or on-campus fall 2020?

Course delivery modes will be indicated on the Timetable of Class Meetings for each course section.  The Timetable search function will provide the ability to search for courses by delivery mode.


What will the grading policy be for fall 2020?

All instruction will be graded in accordance with normal grading policies as outlined in the ORC/Catalog. This includes the Non-Recording Option.


What is the NRO policy for fall term?

Fall term follows the typical NRO policy as outlined in the ORC/Catalog. The Non-recording option will no longer count for majors.




Do I need to teach my course at a time indicated in the adjusted class schedule?  I am concerned about students in different time zones.

Yes, unless you offer it asynchronously. If faculty randomly teach at alternate times, students will run into conflicts with other courses they are taking. 


Are there any FERPA implications to my use of ZOOM and Slack for online delivery of my course(s)?

FERPA applies to education records regardless of the medium, so we want to make student privacy a part of the design of all courses and the use of these tools. Slack was designed for business communications, not FERPA compliance. Avoid using it to share sensitive student information, including grades and personal information.


How do I get help using Canvas or Zoom?

See ITC’s Canvas: Request General Support page.


Can I add students, alumni, auditors and others to courses through Canvas who don’t have an “R” term fall 2020 if that course is delivered remotely?

No, only students with an R term fall 2020 may register for fall 2020 courses and course size will comply with course enrollment limits.  Students must register in Banner to receive credit. However, it is fine to add TAs and other faculty colleagues as usual in Canvas.

Note that concerns have been raised about fair use standards for our courses, bandwidth issues, and that there will be fewer course offerings available to those students enrolled fall term.


Can I allow community members and other students to audit their courses which are on-campus or remote with on-campus components?

Due to the requirements of contact tracing, COVID-19 testing, and limited room capacities, auditing of courses offered on campus is strongly discouraged.

Can faculty allow community members and students audit a course which is fully remote?

Only active students with an “R” fall term may audit a remote course.

Note that concerns have been raised about fair use standards for our courses, bandwidth issues, and that there will be fewer course offerings available to those students enrolled fall term.


Does an “R” term mean that students will be on campus fall 2020?

An "R" term means "residential or remote." An "R" indicates a student is enrolled at Dartmouth that term and taking courses, whether or not the student is on campus. An "R" term in a student’s D-Plan does not guarantee that the student will be on campus that term.


Are final exams held remotely fall 2020?

All final exams are held remotely fall 2020. See the fall term calendar as exam dates have changed.


Why does my classroom assignment not show on the Timetable?

Only courses with the “On Campus” delivery mode will have their classroom assignments display on the Timetable.

Instructors teaching courses with the “Remote, with On Campus Components” or “Remote, with Synchronous Components” delivery mode may email Classroom Scheduling with their exact classroom needs to ensure the necessary space is prepared for on-campus use and reserved. Instructors teaching courses with the “Remote, Entirely Asynchronous” delivery mode may email Conferences & Events with their exact classroom needs to ensure the necessary space is prepared for on-campus use and reserved.




Will the add/drop period be the same dates, or will there be changes?

There are no planned changes at this time.


Has the course load policy changed fall 2020?

The course load policy has not been altered.


How do I know which courses are eligible for the NRO option?

Whether a course is eligible for the NRO option is published on the fall 2020 Timetable of Class Meetings by July 18th.


Course Changes


What if I want to change or add a course limit on my fall 2020 course?

Email with the new limit and we will make the change. Be sure to copy your Associate Dean.


Will the distributives and world culture requirements listed on the Timetable for fall 2020 fulfill general education requirements ?

Yes, they will fulfill general education requirements as usual.  If you wish to request a change in your distributive or world culture attribute for a course you plan to offer, submit it through DCARS by July 14.

Last Updated: 9/23/20