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Community High School Program Registration Guide

Course Election Reference Guides

Instructions for using Dartmouth's course election and registration system, including FAQs.

Course Enrollment Priorities

Description of the priority system for limited enrollment courses.

Credits & Exemptions - Definitions

Definitions of how Dartmouth awards Credit on Entrance (prematriculation credit) and Course Credit.

Degree and General Education Requirements

Description of Undergraduate Degree and General Education Requirements; includes Language Requirement codes.

Departments/Programs Using Banner Prerequisite Checking

A list of those department/programs using Banner to check prerequisites. Please note that some departments/programs list prerequisites in the Catalog only.  In either case, the student is required to meet the prerequisites listed.

Expanded Course Numbering System

Description of the course numbering system used for special topics courses, and certain other courses related to each other.

Individual Instruction Program (IIP) Guide

How to enroll in the Music Individual Instruction Program — IIP

Language Requirement – Effective for the Class of 2026 and later

Registration Schedule

Dates and times for course election, course changes and add/drop.

Timetable of Class Meetings

The most up-to-date source of information regarding courses for a term, especially for distributive and world culture requirements.

Writing Courses and First-Year Seminars

Last Updated: 12/10/24