Heat Control in the Ledyard Apartments

At Ledyard, each apartment and each student room has a thermostat very similar to what you may be accustomed to at home. You can adjust this thermostat by moving the slide bar up or down, but there is a limited range of 55 degrees F to 72 degrees F.  If you are too hot or too cold and cannot adjust this thermostat, call the ORL Operations Office at 6-1203 during normal business hours, 8 AM until 4:30 PM, M-F. Report the problem and we will send someone to your room to check it with a digital thermometer. If it is found that the heat is below 66°F or above 72°F, we will call Facilities, Operations and Management and ask them to send someone to correct the problem. After business hours and on weekends, you may call 6-2344 to report heating problems.

If you have any questions, call or blitz: Residential Operations, 646-1203.

Last Updated: 9/2/16
Last Updated