Heat Control in The Lodge

For The Lodge, each room has a thermostat very similar to what you are used to at home. In most cases, this thermostat is set by the College and you can not adjust it. If it is set at a point that keeps you too hot or too cold, call the ORL Operations Office at 6-1203 during normal business hours, 8 AM until 4:30 PM, M-F. Report the problem and we will send someone to your room to check it with a digital thermometer. If it is found that the heat is below 66°F or above 70°F, we will call Facilities, Operations and Management and ask them to send someone to correct the problem. After business hours and on weekends, you may call 6-2344 to report heating problems.

If you have any questions, call or blitz: Residential Operations, 646-1203.

Last Updated: 9/2/16
Last Updated