A team of full time staff, wonderful student employees, and volunteers work together year round to care for the plant collection, support research projects, and provide educational outreach to the community.
Terry Barry
Greenhouse Manager

Dana Ozimek
Botanical Horticulturist & Assistant Greenhouse Manager
Student Educational Employment Opportunities
The Dartmouth Life Science Greenhouse is committed to contributing a wide diversity of enriching opportunities to the campus community. One way we provide students with academic adjacent learning opportunities is through educational employment positions in our facility.
Greenhouse Student Worker
An entry level position, student workers are getting to know the facility and learning
about the fundamentals of plant care. Training is provided in basic horticultural
skills, including yellowleafing, cleaning floors, potwashing, weeding, basic pruning,
basic repotting, simple divisions, seed sowing, dead heading, fertilizing the moss
wall, and Marimo water changes.
Greenhouse Student Research Assistant 1
An intermediate position, for students who have completed the majority of the student
worker skills checklist. Training is provided in advanced repotting, insect scouting,
advanced pruning, flowering list, advanced divisions, media preparation, docenting
open hours, releasing beneficial insects, propagation by cuttings, pond cleaning,
watering, plant grooming, and epiphytic plant mounting.
Eggleston Plant Science Fellowship
An experience-based educational position providing a student training in advanced
aspects of plant science, including botany, the diversity of plant life and the factors
governing plant growth and development, and which prepares them for further study
in the plant sciences and the advancement of their career objectives. The Fellow will
receive training allowing them to master skills associated with collections inventory
management, plant nutrition and disease identification, website content, data synthesis,
educational display signage, leading tours, introduction to Argus greenhouse control
system, and completion of a personal project. As needed, the Fellow will perform Greenhouse
Student Worker and Greenhouse Research Assistant 1 tasks, to maintain competency along
with any additional training to allow for mastery of skills in these areas.
Prerequisites include: A minimum of three terms worked in the greenhouse, completion
of the majority of the Greenhouse Student Worker and Greenhouse Research Assistant
1 skill checklists, preference given to seniors.
If you would be interested in joining our greenhouse team to learn more about the plant sciences while helping care for our spectacular collection please contact us at for an application.