Box Assignments

Undergraduate Students

Hinman Box (HB) number assignments are mailed with student housing assignments in late July. You will need your Dartmouth ID to pick up your packages/mail at the Hinman Mail Center.  Please stop by the  Dartmouth Card Office and get your ID Card before coming to the Hinman Mail Center.  Questions about how to get your ID?  Contact the Dartmouth Card Office.

Hinman Box numbers are retained by students for the duration of continuous enrollment at the College. 

Dartmouth students who are enrolled for classes in Hanover for the current term as well as students approved to live in undergraduate residential facilities or private Greek houses, can have their packages and mail delivered to the Hinman Mail Center.

Student mail that originates from a Dartmouth department or program should be sent via intra-campus Mail to their Hinman Box number (not to their residence hall address) to avoid U.S. postage.

Note: Fraternities, Sororities and Student Organizations are assigned Hinman Boxes in the 5000 series. Mail can be sent to them through intra-campus mail, as well.

Professional School Students

Mail is handled within each professional school’s mailroom using the following, generic Hinman Box number for all enrolled students:

  • Geisel School of Medicine: HB 7000
  • Thayer School of Engineering: HB 8000
  • Tuck School of Business: HB 9000

Questions About Box Assignments?