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Browse the Western Manuscript Collection: A (continued)

002097 thumb Antiphonal
One leaf, 72 cm x 54 cm.
Ms. 002097

Written in Spain in the early sixteenth century, the text is in a round gothic hand with square notation. The leaf contains two large initials and the texts are the antiphons for the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin.


002104 thumb Antiphonal
Two leaves, 52 cm x 37 cm.
Ms. 002104

Conjoint leaves of a late fourteenth or early fifteenth-century Spanish antiphonal. Written in a round gothic hand with square notation, the leaves contain eleven colored initials. The text is for Tuesday after the Third Sunday in Advent. Gift of Harold Goddard Rugg.


002105 thumb Antiphonal
One leaf, 48 cm x 32 cm.
Ms. 002105

Written in an angled gothic hand with square notation, the leaf is fourteenth-century French in origin. It contains two small decorated initials and one historiated initial depicting Saint Thomas touching the wounds of Christ. The text is the antiphons for the Common of the Apostles.


002107 thumb Antiphonal
One leaf,, 48 cm x 34 cm.
Ms. 002107

Written in an angled gothic script with square notation, the leaf is fourteenth-century French in origin. It contains seven small initials and one historiated initial depicting the Crucifixion. The text is the responds for Trinity Sunday.;
002256 thumb Antiphonal
One leaf,, 34 cm x 24 cm.
Ms. 002256

Written in a round gothic hand with square notation, the leaf is of early fourteenth-century French origin. The leaf contains four colored initials and one historiated initial depicting John the Evangelist. The text is the antiphons for the feast of John the Evangelist.


002488 thumb Antiphonal
140 leaves, 48.5 cm x 36 cm.
Ms. Codex 002488

Manuscript, on German watermarked paper, of an antiphonal probably from the monastery at Benedictbeuren, Germany. The text is in an angular gothic hand with square notation on four-line staves. The text lacks a leaf early inthe volume and has a new text for Saint Benedict inserted later in the volume, reflecting changes in the liturgy. Numerous notations in the margins reflect changes also. Some abbreviations are expanded, indicating difficulty in using the texts. On the back pastedown is an index of feasts. Purchase on the Benz Fund.


003000 thumb Antiphonal
8 leaves, 10 cm x 7.5 cm.
Ms. 003000

Complete single gathering of a portable antiphonal for the use of an individual within a 8 leaves, 10 x 7.5 cm. Complete single gathering of a portable antiphonal for the use of an individual within a 8 leaves, 10 x 7.5 cm. Complete single gathering of a portable antiphonal for the use of an individual within a monastic community. Created in France in the second half of the fifteenth century, each leaf contains five four-line staves in red with square notation. The rubricated text is in a gothic hand with red and blue initials. The text begins 'redemptor deus miserere' and contains chants for the feast of the conversion of Saint Paul and the cathedra of Saint Peter. Purchase on the Benz Fund.


003070 thumb Antiphonal
Two leaves, 26 cm x 19 cm.
Ms. 003070

Two leaves, not conjoint, of an antiphonal written ca. 1280 in northern France, possibly in Paris. The leaves contain 11 lines of 4-stave music and text written in a gothic hand and square gothic notation. Decoration includes one large initial with pen trailings. Texts are for the feasts of the Holy Innocents and the Circumcision of Our Lord. Purchase on the Benz Fund.


003145 thumb Antiphonal
44 leaves, 15 cm x 10.5 cm.
Ms. Codex 003145

Portable antiphonal containing incipits only for the antiphons unsed in services for major feasts during the liturgical year. The collection begins with the "O" Antiphons for Advent and continues to the antiphons for Lauds for the Feast of Several Martyrs. The incipits are on a four-line stave wiht alternating red and blue capitals. The text is bound in a wallet-styl;e binding with pastedowns reusing a contemporary Spanish manuscript. On the cover is the date 1484, probably contemporary with the creation of the text. Purchase on the Benz Fund.

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A-An | An-Az | B-Bo | Bo | Bo
Bo-Br | Br | C | D-F | G-Gr
Gr-Gu | H | I-L | M | N-O
P-Pr | Pr-Ps | R | S | T-Z

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Last Updated: 1/5/12