Jill Mortali, Director
(603) 646-0678
Pre-Award Team
Post-Award Team
Cost Analysis Team
Information Systems Team
Technology Transfer Office
Pre-Award Team
Arts & Sciences
Colleen Sullivan, Senior Grants Associate
- Computer Science
- Comparative Med and Research
- Dickey Center
- Economics
- Environmental Studies
- Graduate Studies
- Institute for Writing Rhetoric
- Library
- Mathematics
- Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship
- Neukom Institute
- Physics & Astronomy
- Provost Admin
- Research Computing
- Safety & Security Administration
- Tuck School of Business
April Hayden, Grants Officer
- Anthropology
- Art History
- Asian Societies, Cultures and Languages
- Classical Studies
- Earth Sciences
- East European, Eurasian, and Russian Studies
- English
- Film and Media Studies
- French & Italian
- Geography
- Government
- History
- Hood Museum of Art
- Hopkins Center
- Latin American, Latino & Caribbean Studies
- Music
- Native American Studies
- Philosophy
- Quantitative Social Science
- Religion
- Rockefeller Center
- Sociology
Arlanda Erzen Lumbra, Grants Officer
- Biological Sciences
- Chemistry
- Education
- Environmental Studies
- Outdoor Programs
- Psychological & Brain Sciences
- Woodlands Office
Geisel School of Medicine
Stephanie Morgan, Senior Grants Associate
- Biomedical Research
- Dartmouth Cancer Center
- Epidemiology
- Medical Education
Robin Paradis Montibello, Grants Officer
- Biomedical Data Science
- Microbiology and Immunology
- Molecular and Systems Biology (MSB)
Abby Fellows, Grants Officer
- Biochemistry & Cell Biology
- Center for Technology and Behavioral Health (CTBH)
- The Dartmouth Institute (TDI)
Thayer School of Engineering
Renee Brown, Senior Grants Associate
Vacant_ Grants Officer
Aarron Clough, Assistant Director, Post Award
- 123-Biomedical Data Science
- 124-Epidemiology
- 125-Center for Technology and Behavioral Health (CTBH)
- 474-Neukom Institute
Darlene Howe, Operations Manager
- 575-Environmental Health & Safety
- 847-Thayer (Tracy Ballou & Angela Beaupre managed awards)
Jackie Paulsen, Sr. Sponsored Research Manager, Geisel Team Lead
- 058-Dartmouth Cancer Center
- 070-IQBS
- 108-Micro Immuno
- 126-Molecular and Systems Biology
Katie Wilkinson, Sponsored Research Manager
- 378-OPAL Advisors
- 406-Undergraduate Advising and Research
- 407-WISP
- 416-AMELL
- 417-Classics
- 418-English
- 419-Film and Media Studies
- 423-Leslie Humanities Ctr
- 424-Music
- 425-Philosophy
- 426-Religion
- 427-Russian
- 448-Environmental Studies
- 452-Ling and Cognitive Science
- 453-Quantitative Social Science
- 454-Native American Studies
- 456-Institute for Writing Rhetoric
- 457-Cognitive Science Program
- 466-Biological Sciences
- 468-Computer Science
- 471-Mathematics
- 481-Economics
- 485-History
- 723-Dickey Center
- 724-Ethics Institute
Laurel Appleton, Sponsored Research Manager
- 020-TDI Operations
- 021-TDI Education
- 071-Biomedical Research
- 103-Biochemistry & Cell Biology
- 212-Medical Education
VACANT, Sponsored Research Manager (portfolio temporarily assigned)
- 347-Thayer '53 Commons
- 384-Outdoor Programs
- 469-Earth Sciences
- 480-Anthropology
- 488-Rockefeller Center
- 597-Woodlands Office
- 647-Hood Collections
- 648-Hood Programs
- 655-Hopkins Center
- 847-Thayer (Cathleen Duffy managed awards)
- 866-Tuck Research
- 875-Tuck PEVC and Entrepreneurship Centers
Shelagh Eastridge, Sponsored Research Manager
- 408-Graduate Studies
- 467-Chemistry
- 482-Education
- 483-Geography
- 484-Government
- 487-PBS
- 489-Sociology
- 678-Digital Strategies
- 700-Provost Admin
- 719-Energy Institute
- 722-Magnuson Center DEN
- 730-ISTS
- 736-Animal Care and Use
- 738-Office of Entrepreneurship Tech Transfer
- 740-Center for Social Impact
Yvonne Salazar, Sr. Sponsored Research Manager, A&S/Provost/Thayer, Team Lead
- 472-Physics & Astronomy
- 640-Financial Aid
Cost Analysis
Rebecca Clogston, Assistant Director, Cost Analysis
(603) 646-3009
Hui Zhou Gunning, Senior Cost Accounting Analyst
(603) 646-1575
Theresa Dismont, Senior Grant Accountant
(603) 646-2873
Xuan (Shawna) Du, Grant Accountant
(603) 646-1254
Information Systems
Colleen Spence, Manager
Mark Lerret, Data Systems Analyst