Creating NIH Documents
Try SciENcv to help you develop your biosketch and automatically format it according to NIH requirements. SciENcv allows you to easily edit your publications and contributions to quickly make these customized biosketches.
NIH Biographical Sketch *Video* Tutorial
Create a NIH Biographical Sketch
- Go to the SciENcv homepage and log in using your preferred sign in method.
- Click Create New Document.
- Enter a Document Name, select the appropriate Format, and decide to Start with a blank document, or you can save time and pull data from an Existing Document or an External source. Lastly, you can opt to make your document Private or Public. Click Create after all fields have been completed and selections made.
- SciENcv will provide warning signs and red text for incomplete items.
Each section can be edited and then saved by clicking the green arrow or Save depending on the field. Once completed Download the document by selecting a format in the bottom right corner of the screen.For more information on NIH Biographical Sketches click the links below:
Create a NIH Other Support document
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