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November 2003 Council on the Libraries minutes

Council on Libraries
November 6, 2003
Treasure Room, 12:30-2:00 pm

Present: Kathy Cottingham (KC) (Chair), David Becker (DB), Cayelan Carey (CC), Harold Frost (HF), Teoby Gomez (TG) (left 1:30), Marianne Hirsch (MH), Douglas Irwin (DI) (left 1:30), Larry Levine (LL), Richard Lucier (RL), Jerry Rutter (JR), Barry Scherr (BS) (arrived 12:45)

Excused: Malcolm Brown, Richard D'Aveni, Cyndy Pawlek, William Hickey, Stephen Taylor

Guest: Mike Beahan (MB), Director of Jones Media Center, Susan Fliss (SF), Head of Research and Informatics Learning, and Jennifer Taxman (JT), Head of Access Services


The meeting was convened at 12:40 pm.

1. Approval of the minutes from the October 11 Meeting Minutes from the October 11 Council on Libraries (CoL) Meeting were approved.

2. CoL Communication
Agenda items 2 and 3 were switched because Barry Scherr was delayed. Richard Lucier (RL) said that a memo was sent out to department assistants ten days ago to distribute to faculty. Kathy Cottingham (KC) said that bridges need to be built between the CoL and faculty and she urged members to contact faculty in their departments and to keep talking and asking for feedback.

Jerry Rutter (JR) said that there was interest in more faculty involvement in the search for the Special Collections Librarian. RL said that interviews were planned to take place in December through January and that the CoL would have an opportunity to interview the candidates. Faculty at large will have an opportunity to attend talks given by the candidates and that an open meeting with faculty would probably be scheduled as well. RL said that schedules would be e-mailed to the faculty when available.

Cayelan Carey (CC) reported on a meeting held with The Dartmouth editor on Nov. 5, 2003. She said that they were looking for a relationship that would allow CoL issues to be reported in a timely manner. The editor asked if a student reporter could attend the CoL meetings. RL suggested that CC and another representative of the CoL meet with a student reporter after each CoL meeting to cover topics and issues covered in the meeting. KC asked if anyone disagreed with this idea-no one disagreed. RL noted that it is rare for the CoL to make decisions on issues in the first meeting in which they were brought up, so students and faculty would have time to respond to issues before decisions were made. RL asked the Council who they thought the representative should be. Doug Irwin suggested either RL or KC. KC said she couldn't meet after this meeting, but could start after the December meeting. RL said he could meet with the reported after this meeting.

3. Brief Update on the Librarian Search
Barry Scherr (BS) said that a committee is being organized for the College Librarian search. The committee will be larger this time than last with nine or ten members to allow for more faculty representation; the last search committee for the College Librarian had six members. The search committee will be encouraged to take the time necessary to prepare for the search. Part of the preliminary work will involve one or two open meetings with the faculty because it is important to allow for input from them. He said he hopes to be able to announce the committee by Thanksgiving.

4. Library Issues in Support of Teaching and Learning
RL said that this item pertained to the Library's strategic goal #7 as well as to space issues. He said that he wanted the discussion to be inclusive across a broad scope of activities, so he had invited Mike Beahan, Susan Fliss and Jennifer Taxman to the meeting. The other issue being discussed under this agenda item is the relationship between these programs and the Dartmouth Center for Advancement of Learning (DCAL).

Jennifer Taxman (JT), Head of Access Services, led this discussion. She described e-reserves as an extension of the current reserve system. It is also one of the services offered through the digital library. This past summer a test base of eight courses used e-reserves to familiarize the library staff with the e-reserve system. This term 37 courses used e-reserves. The content of this term's e-reserves was mostly written material, but there was some music that could be streamed. During the summer pilot one course was videotaped and the videotapes were made available. This term's e-reserve trial was successful. E-reserves will open for all courses winter term.

JT listed important things to know about copyright for e-reserves. The first term any item is placed on reserve, print or online, there is no need to pay for copyright. Copyright is paid for each subsequent term based on the number of students in the class (for print reserves this is based on the number of copies). This is true for both journal articles and for book chapters. No additional copyright is paid for articles to which Dartmouth licenses full text rights.

Copyright for e-reserves is being paid with library funds. Marianne Hirsch commented that it was interesting that the library picked up the copyright costs that the department or the students would pick up if the material was made available in course packets. RL reminded the CoL that the library has been paying copyright all along for print course reserve articles and articles obtained through interlibrary loan. JT said she is notifying faculty of the costs involved to make the same materials available for subsequent terms and suggested that perhaps required readings should be available through e-reserves and supplemental readings available through traditional reserves.

Several questions were raised about whether copyright needed to be paid for items distributed by instructors electronically (such as e-mailing or linking to an article via Blackboard). JT answered that these materials were subject to the same copyright restrictions. There was discussion about who should be notifying faculty of this and it was decided that it would be discussed at the next joint CoL and Counsel on Computing meeting.

JT distributed the draft version of Guidelines for Online Use of Course Materials (which library staff have used to answer copyright questions). JT asked that any comments or questions about the document be directed to her. A final version of the document will be available online soon.

Space Redesigns
RL said there are three spaces in which redesigns are taking place: Jones Media Center (through private funds), the Baker Berry home for the Research and Informatics Program and the space for DCAL. He wants each redesign project to take the other projects into account.

Mike Beahan described the redesign planned for the Jones Media Center. He said the Center was originally planned as a passive viewing center, not as a place to create media. The Center now has more than 5,000 video tapes with more than 300 videotapes on reserve this term. With the trend for putting materials online that were previously available only through microfiche or microfilm, redundant microfiche and microfilm have been moved from the Jones Media Center to storage, thus creating space. The Jones Media Center has been moving towards facilitating the creation of multimedia. For a course taught by Leo Spitzer, the students viewed and read oral histories in different formats. They then produced oral histories using camcorders and editing facilities provided, along with training, by the Jones Media Center. For a Studio Arts course, students produced mini-documentaries using the Jones Media Center facilities, equipment and training. Jones Media Center has digitized lectures videotaped in two engineering classes to make them available through e-reserves. Jones Media Center needs more space to accommodate the growing need to create media. To meet this need, editing rooms will be created from small group studies and from staff offices which will be moved from the central core. As the microfilm and microfiche collection is moved into storage, room for more hubs will become available near Starr.

RL commented that these support services will be available to act on ideas coming from DCAL. KC asked where the funding for instruction videotapes come from. RL replied that Jones has separate funding through an endowment which is tightly connected to these types of activities.

Research and Informatics Learning in Baker-Berry
Susan Fliss (SF) reviewed the plans to move the Research and Informatics Learning program into space currently used by Interlibrary Loan. This space will provide space for faculty, students, librarians and staff to meet with her and the education group. It will be furnished with a table that will seat 10-12, a computer and a projector and a desk for SF. The space will be used to talk with faculty on such topics as how the students are finding information, copyright, plagiarism, new services the library offers and how the library can meet various student's needs. The renovations of this space will need to be completed by June due to funding deadlines. BS asked how the Student Center for Research, Writing and Information Technology (RWIT) was doing. SF replied that student use of RWIT is picking up; the student tutors report that students come in for something very specific and find that RWIT can provide them with much more.

Review of DCAL
RL said there are currently three alternate possibilities for the design of DCAL's space. He said that this space is projected to be completed by the next academic year with money from the Berry project. He said that Jerry Rutter is the link between the CoL, DCAL and the working group planning the space. As the working group meets, JR will keep the CoL up to date. Rl said that the Dean's Center for International Coalitions would also be going into this space. He said that hopefully the work will be done at times that are least disruptive for users of the library.

The tour of these spaces was cancelled due to time considerations.

5. December 4, 2003 Joint Meeting with Council on Computing
KC reminded the CoL that the next meeting would be held in the 1930 Room from noon until 1:30 on December 4, 2003.
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Last Updated: 4/19/17