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Council on the Libraries 2013-2014


2013-2014 Academic Year

Agendas and Minutes

November 7, 2013


  1. Introduction of Council members
  2. Research Information Management Strategies (repository services) & Open Access Resolution update (Guest Carole Meyers, Project Director, Research Information Support Services)
  3. Collection Management Policy Review
  4. Suggestions for other FY14 topics


December 5, 2013


  1. Introduction and review of the November 7, 2013 minutes
  2. Berry Library Lower Level/Rauner collections and security plans (Jennifer Taxman, Associate Librarian for User Services)
  3. Jones Media Center plans (David Seaman, Associate Librarian for Information Management)
  4. Other facilities planning
  5. Other topics


January 16, 2014


  1. Introductions and review of the December 5, 2013 minutes
  2. Canvas overview (Guests Barbara Knauff, Director of Educational Technologies, ITS; Nikki Boots, Instructional Designer; Karen A. MacPhee, Kresge Library Supervisor; Laura Barrett, Director, Education & Outreach, Dartmouth Library)
  3. Open access update
  4. Other topics


February 6, 2014


  1. Introductions and review of the January 16, 2014 minutes
  2. Overview of the Dana Biomedical Library's programs and services -- tour at the end of the meeting (Guest Laura Cousineau, Director of the Biomedical Libraries)
  3. Innovative Learning: Josh Kim, former Director of Learning and Technology for the Master of Heath Care Delivery Science Program, has a new role as Director of Digital Learning Initiatives at the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning.  He will discuss new and emerging opportunities for the Library and DCAL to continue their long partnership around learning initiatives.
  4. Shared retention of Library Materials, planning with Brown University Library (Eliz Kirk, Associate Librarian for Information Resources)
  5. Other topics


March 6, 2014


  1. Introductions and approval of the February 6, 2014 minutes
  2. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene-behind the scenes with the Elementa Team (Guests Liba Hladik, Digital Publishing Production Manager; Dave Green, Senior Programmer, Digital Library Technologies Group; Eliz Kirk, Associate Librarian for Information Resources; David Seaman, Associate Librarian for Information Management).
  3. Update on Open Access resolution
  4. Digital Production / Photography-tour of the Baker 02 facility (Guests Bill Ghezzi, Digital Production & Metadata Librarian; Ryland Ianelli, Digital Production Technician; David Seaman, Associate Librarian for Information Management)
  5. Other topics

Minutes - coming soon

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Last Updated: 3/15/16