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2007-2008 Council on the Libraries


2007-2008 Academic Year

Agendas and Minutes 2007-2008

June 05, 2008 (pdf file)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of April 3, 2008 and May 1, 2008 minutes of the Council
  3. Discussion of special collections in the Dartmouth College Library

May 01, 2008 (pdf file)


  1. A field trip to the Storage Library  and to the Records Management Facility

April 03, 2008 (pdf file)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of March 6, 2008 minutes of the Council
  3. Library's Assessment Committee - LibQUAL+ survey
  4. Update on Dartmouth's author's amendment/NIH Compliance
  5. Library's new web design including Catalog enhancements

March 06, 2008 (pdf file)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of February 7, 2008 minutes of the Council
  3. Provost's Review of the Library: Report
  4. Charge for Next Generation Library Systems Planning
  5. Announcements

February 07, 2008 (pdf file)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of January 3, 2008 minutes of the Council
  3. Update on Dartmouth's Author Amendment
  4. National Institutes of Health (NIH) - access discussion and implications
  5. Discussions/relationships with Upper Valley Libraries
  6. Update on January 29 Electronic Resources Fair
  7. Announcements/Upcoming events

January 03, 2008 (pdf file)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of November 1, 2007 minutes of the Council
  3. Discussion of next generation library systems planning
  4. Dartmouth Digital Information Steering Group planning
  5. Announcements

December 06, 2007-Cancelled

November 01, 2007 (pdf file)


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Approval of October minutes
  3. Library web-redesign
  4. Theses/Dissertation Project
  5. Announcements

October 4, 2007 (pdf file)


  1. Introductions of attendees.
  2. Approval of June minutes
  3. Annual Report and Feedback from the Steering Committee of the General Faculty Meeting
  4. Self-Study Report
  5. Announcements

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Last Updated: 4/19/17