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Council on the Libraries 2015-2016



2015-2016 Academic Year

Agendas and Minutes

October 22, 2015


  1. Introductions
  2. Discussion regarding scholar study spaces in Baker Library, including their assignment use and overall administration.
  3. Update on the Dartmouth Open Access resolution and policy, including the Council’s Faculty Advisory Group.
  4. Suggested topics for discussion this year.



November 23, 2015


  • Welcome and Introductions, review of October 22, 2015 minutes.
  • Implementation of the Dartmouth Faculty Open Access Policy and Repository:  the Architecture of the Repository - Barbara DeFelice and Carol Meyers
  • Review draft of Dartmouth Academic Commons content policies - Barbara DeFelice and Carol Meyers
  • Update on the Library’s capital projects for FY17 – Jennifer Taxman
  • Shared print retentions efforts update – Eliz Kirk



 January 28, 2016


  1. Introductions and approval of November 23, 2015 minutes

  2. Implementation of the Dartmouth Academic Commons (DAC) and the Dartmouth Faculty Open Access Policy:

                 a) The Dartmouth Academic Commons interim deposit system: demo of the system, discussion of how we are
                     currently working with faculty to contribute papers in the interim system, and what we are doing with papers in this interim system.

                 b) Dartmouth Academic Commons Policy document: changes from the input at the last meeting have been made,
                     and we would like to continue review of the Policy document with the section called Ownership/Intellectual Property
                     on page 2.  The key change in the enclosed policy is that we propose the CC BY NC license, and replaced reference
                     to a “deposit agreement” with a note that a “terms and conditions” statement will be drafted. 
                     The “terms and conditions” would be drafted in close consultation with General Counsel.        

                 c) ORCID update- these unique identifiers for researchers are now required by some publishes and funding agencies. 
                     How can we best inform the research community at Dartmouth, and encourage the adoption of the ORCID identifier? 
                     John Bell, Barbara DeFelice, Jen Green, and Carol Meyers

      3.  Brief presentation on the Baker Library tower renovation and roof replacement scheduled for this coming summer. Jennifer Taxman

      4.  Ideas and discussion with the Council on “Big Ideas” for Dartmouth’s capital campaign planning related to the Library. Jeff Horrell



 February 25, 2016


1.   Introductions and approval of January 28, 2016 minutes

2.   Implementation of the Dartmouth Academic Commons (DAC) and the Dartmouth Faculty Open Access Policy. (30 minutes) a)  Demo of the Plum Analytics "dashboard": this tool provides a broad view of new kinds of measures and an approach to driving discovery and recommendations for DAC. We are interested in your suggestions on making access to this PlumX dashboard possible, and rolling it out. b)  Discussion and approval of the enclosed FAQ8 about 3rd party licensed materials in journal articles. (Attachment #2) * John Bell, Lead Applications Developer, ITS * Barbara DeFelice, Program Director, Scholarly Communication, Copyright, & Publishing * Jen Green, Digital Scholarship Librarian * Carole Meyers, Project Planner, Institutional Repository and Services, ITS

3.   Digital Scholarship Center planning (20 minutes) (Attachment #3) * Ridie Ghezzi, Head of Research & Instruction Services, Baker Berry Library * Carole Meyers, Project Planner, Institutional Repository and Services, ITS

4.   Dartmouth Capital Campaign proposals (40 minutes) * Jeff Horrell, Dean of Libraries and Librarian of the College * Eliz Kirk, Associate Librarian for Information Services * Jennifer Taxman, Associate Librarian for User Engagement and Technologies

The next Council on the Libraries meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 31, 2016 at noon, in the Treasure room, Baker Library.



March 31, 2016


  1. Introductions and approval of February 25, 2016 minutes

  2. Open Access updates (20 minutes)
    * Barbara DeFelice, Program Director, Scholarly Communication, Copyright, & Publishing
    * Jen Green, Digital Scholarship Librarian

      3.  Dean of Libraries search
           * Professor Dennis Washburn, Jane and Raphael Bernstein Professor in Asian Studies and
              Chair, Comparative Literature, Chair of the Dean of Libraries search committee 



May 26, 2016


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Approval of March 31, 2016 minutes
  3. Open Access, Updates/Reflections
    • Barbara DeFelice, Program Director, Scholarly Communication, Copyright, & Publishing
    • Jen Green, Digital Scholarship Librarian
  4. Library Staff, Evolving Roles
    CASA Cuba Program; Martin Chambi Archive
    • Jill Baron, Librarian for Romance Languages & Latin American Studies Digital Humanities going forward
    • Laura Braunstein, Digital Humanities and English Librarian
  5. Ivies Plus, Collections Update
    • Eliz Kirk, Associate Librarian for Information Services

This will be our final Council on the Libraries meeting for the academic year.




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Last Updated: 4/19/17