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Council on the Libraries 2006-2007


2006-2007 Academic Year

June 2007 (pdf file)
1. Welcome; introductions
2. Approval of April minutes
3. Announcements

4. Website Redesign
5. Duplicate Materials
6. The Library's Self-Study
7. Expansion of Search360
8. Dartmouth "Author's Amendment"
9. Other business

May 2007 - cancelled

April 2007 (pdf file)
1. Welcome; introductions
3. Approval of March minutes
4. Announcements
5. Provost's Library External Review Steering Group

March 2007 (pdf file)
1. Welcome; introductions
2. Approval of February's minutes
3. Announcements
4. Storage Space and Related Issues

February 2007 (pdf file)
1. Welcome; introductions; announcements
2. Approval of January minutes
3. Portico visit and update

Related documentation: Portico presentation (power point)

January 2007 (pdf file)
1. Welcome; introductions; announcements
2. Minutes of the December meeting approved
3. Scholarly Communications

December 2006 - cancelled

November 2006 (pdf file)
1. Welcome; introductions;
2. Minutes of the October meeting approved
3. Announcements
4. Records Management
5. Scholarly Communication
6. Other Topics

Related documentation: Dartmouth-Duke Mellon report (pdf file) and Digital Asset Management (pdf file)

October 2006 (pdf file)
1. Welcome; introductions
2. Approval of June minutes
3. Announcements
4. Scholars Studies in Baker Library
5. Scholarly Communication
6. Other Topics

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Last Updated: 4/24/18