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Office of the Registrar

Dartmouth College
Office of the Registrar
6014 McNutt Hall
Hanover, NH 03755-3541

Phone: (603) 646-2246
Fax: (603) 646-2247
Email: registrar@Dartmouth.EDU
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Guides and Overview

DartWorks Overview

DartWorks Degree Audit

DartWorks Planner

DartWorks Dashboard - Student

DartWorks Dashboard - Faculty/Advisor

DartWorks FAQs

DartWorks Overview

DartWorks is an interconnected online system composed of three parts: DartWorks Degree Audit, DartWorks Planner, and DartWorks Dashboard. While each has its own separate function, the three parts of DartWorks work together. Students, in collaboration with a faculty advisor, use these tools to plan and track their academic career while at Dartmouth.       

DartWorks Degree Audit is where students and advisors track progress toward completion of degree requirements. This includes the writing, first-year seminar, foreign language, and general education requirements, and will soon include major requirements. 

DartWorks Planner is where students, with the assistance of an advisor, create academic plans that help them get the most out of their time at Dartmouth. Students use the Planner to map out their major and minor plans. Plans are easy to update and rearrange as goals change while students explore various academic opportunities.      

DartWorks Dashboard is where students submit and track major or minor declaration requests so that advisors and departments or programs may review and approve them. Faculty advisors and department or program designees use their DartWorks Dashboard to review and approve the major or minor plans students have created in the DartWorks Planner, and eventually send approved declarations electronically to the Registrar for posting to the student’s record.

Last Updated: 12/17/20