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Planner Guide

DartWorks Overview

DartWorks Degree Audit

DartWorks Planner

DartWorks Dashboard - Student

DartWorks Dashboard - Faculty/Advisor

DartWorks FAQs

Students create and save academic plans in the DartWorks Planner. Students can create plans for a variety of purposes such as completion of a major or minor, preparation for graduate school, fulfillment of general education requirements, or the culmination of their entire Dartmouth career. Plans are easy to update and rearrange as goals change while students explore various academic opportunities.

Note that some combinations of majors, minors, and modifiers are invalid. See the invalid combinations list.

Steps to Create a New Plan


Step 1. Open the DartWorks Degree Audit within DartHub.

DartWorks tile

Click on the “Plans” tab at the top of the screen to locate the DartWorks Planner.

Step 2. Select New plan.

Log-in to the DartWorks Degree Audit. Click on the “Plans” tab at the top of the screen to locate the DartWorks Planner.


Step 3. Select a term to serve as your starting term for this plan.

Select a term to serve as your starting term for this plan

Step 4. Click submit to confirm.

Step 5. Enter a name for your plan in the “Description” field. The name can be anything so long as it is recognizable for your purposes. Keep in mind that if it is submitted for your major faculty will see it.

Enter a name for the plan in the description.

Step 6. Click the Save button to confirm.

Step 7. Click the Add term button to add terms to your plan.

Click add term to add a term to your plan.

Step 8. Add courses to the term. You may click the + button to search for and add courses or select a course from the menu on the side of the screen by dragging the course into the corresponding term.

 Select a course from the menu on the side of the screen by draggng the course into the corresponding term.

If you wish to remove a course from your plan, click the vertical ellipses to the right of the course, then select Delete this requirement.

If you wish to remove a course from your plan, click the vertical ellipses to the right of the course, then select Delete this requirement.

Step 9. The Planner automatically saves changes made to your plan.

Step 10. Now that you have created your plan, if you are submitting this as part of a major declaration, add it to the DartWorks Dashboard.*

*TIP: Save a copy of your plan before submitting it on the DartWorks Dashboard. This will make it easier to update your plan in the future, if necessary. Make sure to rename the copy to distinguish it from the plan you submit. Once submitted on the DartWorks Dashboard plans are locked for editing.

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Steps to Update Major or Minor Plan

Step 1. A locked plan cannot be edited. You may create a new plan following the create plan guide.

Step 2. Now that you have created your plan, add it to the DartWorks Dashboard.

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Note: If you need to add this plan to the DartWorks Dashboard, continue on.


Step 3. Go to your DartWorks Dashboard via the resources tab at the top of your Degree Audit, or via DartHub.

DartWorks Dashboard tile

Step 4. Select the major or minor you wish to change by selecting the green hyperlinked text.

Select the major or minor you wish to change by selecting the green hyperlinked text.

Step 5. Select “Update Plan.”

 Select update plan

Step 6. Select your updated major/minor plan in the “DartWorks Plan” field.

Step 7. When you update a major or minor, resubmit prerequisite and Culminating experience information and Prerequisite information as is required for all requests. Culminating experience information is required for major and modified major requests. Rationale is required for all Modified major (type A) and Modified major (type B) requests.

When you update a major or minor, resubmit prerequisite and Culminating experience information and Prerequisite information as is required for all requests. Culminating experience information is required for major and modified major requests. Rationale is required for all Modified major (type A) and Modified major (type B) requests.

Step 8. Click “submit request” to confirm.

Step 9. Now that you have confirmed your plan it will be reviewed by the appropriate faculty member for approval or denial.

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Last Updated: 2/16/21