

Two state-wide matching services are available to help people find carpool partners. Since these services are not exclusive to Dartmouth College employees, be aware that potential matches may not have an affiliation with the college, yet share Hanover as a destination.

Carpools formed between two Dartmouth employees enjoy the benefit of split parking costs through payroll deduction, while three or more Dartmouth employees in a carpool park for free! Dartmouth employee carpool rates and policy guidelines apply.

Links to state-wide matching services:

GO VERMONT helps people looking to carpool from Vermont to destinations in and outside of the state.

COMMUTESMART NEW HAMPSHIRE provides carpool matching resources for people in New Hampshire.

Other resources are available to find a carpool partner through the Vital Communities website.

Emergency Ride Home

If you carpool, vanpool, take the bus, bike, or walk to campus, EMERGENCY RIDE HOME reimburses the cost of a cab or rental car if an emergency arises and you need to get home, to the park & ride, to the hospital, or to your child's school or daycare.

Vermont residents: register at GO! VERMONT. Reimbursement up to $70 per trip (max. 6 times annually).
New Hampshire residents: You'll find the Upper Valley TMA's Emergency Ride Home Reimbursement Form on their webpage. Reimbursement up to $50 per trip (max. 6 times annually).
ZIPCAR is also available for rental in an emergency. You must create an account in advance.

Last Updated