Utility Systems
The campus is served by an extensive steam distribution system which operates at 20 psig. The main backbone is an 8-foot by 8-foot concrete, walk-through tunnel system which houses a 20-inch diameter steam line, 6-inch diameter condensate return line, chilled water distribution lines, high-voltage power cables, telephone cables, energy management cables, computer network cabling and fire alarm cabling. Condensed steam, called condensate, is returned to the power plant for re-use in the plant's boilers. The College's power plant staff is responsible for maintenance on the steam/condensate distribution system.
Hot Water
To reduce campus operating costs and greenhouse gases, Dartmouth has begun the process of transitioning the campus steam heating system to a low-temperature hot water heating system. The first portion of the campus hot water distribution system was installed in 2020 between the north and west campus and will serve the new Center for Engineering and Computer Science and Arthur L. Irving Institute buildings. The College's power plant staff is responsible for maintaining the hot water distribution system.
The campus has a 13.2/ 4.16kV electrical distribution system that provides the major campus buildings with power. The system is entirely underground and takes power from Liberty Utilities at two campus substations, located at the north and south ends of the campus, in addition to power generated at the power plant.
Chilled Water
The campus has two district chilled water plants, located at the north and south ends of the campus, providing chilled water to several campus buildings through an extensive chilled water distribution system. In addition, some campus buildings or small groups of buildings have separate dedicated air conditioning systems.
The campus has underground water, sewer, and stormwater distribution systems to all campus buildings. Water, sewer, and stormwater services are provided to the campus by the Town of Hanover.
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