Priority Codes

Priority codes are assigned to each type of service and are used to schedule all service requests.  The priority of your request can be viewed on the Service Request form.

Priority codes are assigned to each type of service and are used to schedule all service requests. The priority of your request can be viewed on the Service Request form. 

Priority 1: Emergency
Priority 2: Urgent
Priority 3: Urgent, Service Level Agreement
Priority 4: Routine Type I
Priority 5: Routine Type II
Priority 6: Events
Priority 7: Preventative Maintenance

Priority 1: Emergency

Definition: Fire, health and life safety issues that demand immediate response to protect and save property and lives. Immediate response and measures need to be taken to alleviate the situation but not necessarily with a permanent repair. Requests are dispatched via radio or phone immediately by the Facilities Customer Service Center.

Planon: Will automatically assign a due date of the same day the service request is approved, and work order is created. The status is left as “reviewed” by the Facilities Customer Service Center. The comments section shall be populated with who (name of technician) was sent so the appropriate shop knows. Expected completion time is within 24 hours.

Types of Priority 1 issues:

• Fire alarms

• Electrical sparks, smoke

• Downed electrical lines

• Electrical outages

• Water outages

• Broken steam, water, or gas lines

• Toilets overflowing

• Person trapped in elevator

• Storm water flooding into a building

• Sewage backing up in a building

• Broken, gushing, or misdirected irrigation device or sprinkler head

• No HVAC systems for animal facilities, science facilities, and computer rooms

• Gas leaks or smell of gas

• Food service-related deficiencies that have an immediate impact on sanitation

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 Priority 2: Urgent

Definition: Situations posing a threat of personal injury, equipment damage, or a serious disruption of college operations. Urgent work orders shall be completed within 24 hours to prevent injury, damage, or worsening conditions. Requests are dispatched as soon as possible or practical with technicians expected to respond within the same shift up to 24 hours.

Planon: Will automatically assign a due date of two business days after the service request is approved and work order is created. The work order status shall be updated to In Progress within one business day.

Types of Priority 2 issues:

• Broken glass and/or doors

• Inoperable locks where a space cannot be secured or changing of a core in a residence hall

• HVAC temperature adjustments (i.e. hot/cold calls)

• Toilets/urinals running constantly

• Loss of refrigerated storage space

• Toilets stopped up

• Non-emergency elevator repairs

• ADA compliance issues, e.g. inoperative door opener, obstructed route

• Inoperative switches, outlets, or lights (where there is insufficient lighting)

• Piping or roof leaks, clogged sink/toilet/shower/tub

• Loss of domestic hot water or cold water in a residence (residence hall or rental apartment)

• Pest/animal control that poses a harmful, unsafe condition

• Fire alarm troubles

• Ice hanging from a roof/snow/ice removal

• Classroom AV equipment repairs

• Graffiti that is offensive or profane

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Priority 3:  Urgent, Service Level Agreement

Definition: Work orders related to a defined level of service provided centrally by FO&M for the entire campus.

Planon: Will automatically assign a due date based on the service-level agreement. This will vary based on order type.

Types of Priority 3 Issues:

• Key requests for under 50 keys

• Changes to the Access Control System

• Dig Safe issues

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Priority 4: Routine Type I

Definition: Maintenance or service items not posing an immediate risk to facilities, systems, equipment, or components that can be handled on a routine planned and scheduled basis. Advance coordination with the requestor is typically required to allow scheduling of personnel and receipt of materials. Work orders are processed through Planon without dispatching personnel. Response is within five business days. The supervisor will coordinate with the requestor on timing of service.

Planon: Will assign a due date of seven days after the service request is approved and work order is created.

Types of Priority 4 Issues:

• Cracked glass replacement

• Changing of less than three lock cores when it is not a safety/security concern

• Broken furniture

• Grounds maintenance requests

• Graffiti removal

• Dripping faucets or showers

• Vehicle repairs (not annual inspections)

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Priority 5: Routine Type II

Definition: Maintenance or service items not posing an immediate risk to facilities, systems, equipment or components, are handled on a routine planned and scheduled basis. Advance coordination with the requestor or building occupants is typically required as part of planned project work to allow scheduling of personnel and receipt of materials. Work orders are processed through Planon without dispatching personnel.

Planon: Will leave the due date blank and it is the supervisor’s responsibility to fill in the date.

Types of Priority 5 Issues

• Painting

• Floor refinishing

• Planned re-lamping requests

• Hang banners

• Signs

• Minor projects: shelves, cabinets, white boards,

• Furniture/office/equipment surplus property moves

• Shredded paper pick up

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Priority 6: Events

Definition: Work is coordinated only through the Conferences and Special Events (CSE) office. Work orders are processed through Planon without dispatching personnel. A minimum of 2 weeks' notice is required. The following are the steps necessary:

• The requestor shall email the Conferences and Special Events office directly. Please do not enter a service request in Planon.

• Conferences and Special Events will submit the request to Planon with all the necessary details and documentation using the "Event" tile on Planon's home page.

• Conferences and Special Events will also create “child” (sub) work orders for each shop required to complete work for the event.

• The Planon work request will be received and vetted by a Facilities Customer Service Center administrator.

• Work requests will then be sent to the necessary shop supervisors for assignment.

Planon: The due date and end date will be entered by a CSE or Dartmouth College Athletics Department staff member.

Types of Priority 6 Issues:

• Departmental events scheduled through CSE.

• Athletic events

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Priority 7:  Preventative Maintenance

Definition: Maintenance or service that is performed on the facilities assets or components and building systems on a scheduled basis per standard recommendations. Work shall be completed within 30 days.

Planon: Will assign a due date of 30 days after the Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) work order has been initiated.

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