Sustainability in FO&M
FO&M employees care deeply about the environment and are eager to do their part to meet the goals set forth in Our Green Future: The Sustainability Road Map for Dartmouth as presented by President Hanlon on Earth Day, 2017.
High Performance Buildings 
Since the mid-1990's, Dartmouth has committed to constructing high performance, energy-efficient buildings. Initial efforts focused on heat recovery, and then expanded to include integrated design, innovative systems, and intelligent systems which are not all applied to new building construction and major renovations. Several of our buildings have achieved LEED certification:
- Platinum: Class of 1978 Life Sciences Building (2011)
- Gold: McLaughlin Cluster Residence Halls (2006), Fahey-McLane Residence Hall (2006), Black Family Visual Arts Center (2012)
- Silver: Kemeny-Haldeman (2006), Floren Varsity House (2007)
Current projects that are pursuing LEED certification include Anonymous Hall, the Center for Engineering and Computer Science, the Arthur L. Irving Institute for Energy and Society, and Dartmouth Hall Renovations.
Sustainable Energy Program
Dartmouth is commited to achieving specific Green Energy Goals that were outlined in the 2017 sustainability road map put forward by Dartmouth President Philip J. Hanlon ’77. We are pursuing a multi-pronged approach by evaluating a range of alternative heat sources, converting the heat-distribution system from a steam-heat system to a high-efficiency hot-water system; and converting buildings to using hot water, thereby improving overall efficiency and more comfortable heating levels across campus.
Green Cleaning
We believe green-cleaned buildings are the safest buildings for our students, faculty and staff. All of our cleaning products are LEED-certified. They help us maintain high-quality indoor spaces that encourage productivity and minimize absenteeism. All of our disinfectants are also green-certified by the CDC.
Stormwater Management
Dartmouth's stormwater management system consists of a number of catchbasins that direct water away from campus and other systems that are associated with discrete areas or construction projects.
Waste Management
We have a comprehensive waste management system that includes composting food waste; recycling using the single-stream Zero-Sort system and a variety of other construction and universal waste materials; and sending all other waste materials to the Solid Waste and Recycling Facility in Lebanon, NH.