Webinars, Yoga, Fitness, Mindfulness

The Wellness at Dartmouth office offers free webinars covering a variety of topics to help support your well-being. All webinars are recorded and posted below in the on-demand library. 

Our office also provides access to recorded fitness classes and guided meditations to help you increase your movement and relax.

In addition, there are several other mindfulness sessions offered on campus that you can take advantage of to help find your calm. Plus, all staff, faculty and students receive access to Headspace, a mindfulness and meditation app, for free!

Check out the upcoming schedule below.

Fitness Classes
Mindfulness Sessions
On-Demand Libarary: Webinars

Webinars / Upcoming Events

Bedtime Routines for Adults
Date: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 12 - 1 PM

Coping During Uncertain Times
Date: Wednesday, April 2
Time: 12 - 1 PM

Walking for Mental Health Webinar
Date: Wednesday, April 23
Time: 12 - 1 PM

Digital Mindfulness: Taking Control of Your Device & Screen Time
Date: Wednesday, May 7
Time: 12 - 1 PM

Happiness: A Key to Life's Satisfaction
Date: Wednesday, May 14
Time: 12 - 1 PM

Learn about upcoming live virtual workshops hosted by Headspace. 

Access the on-demand webinar library to view other free webinars.

Yoga & Fitness Classes:

Workout anywhere and add more movement to your day with these recorded fitness workouts!


Plus, check out the Student Wellness Center for upcoming events, including live and pre-recorded yoga classes (open to faculty and staff too!). 

FLIP Classes

The Fitness and Lifestyle Improvement Program (FLIP), a division of the Dartmouth College Athletic Department, is dedicated to providing a wide variety of health and fitness classes, offered each term. Learn more, including a class schedule and associated costs. FLIP classes are an eligible LSA expense.

Mindfulness & Meditation 

Recorded Relaxation Activities


Monday Morning Meditation Group: Mondays at 8am

This group will meet every Monday morning from 8-8:45 am in Rollins Chapel. Each week, after introductions, we will sit for 20 minutes of guided meditation followed by discussion. Feel free to leave at 8:30 after the meditation or stay for the discussion.  Open to staff, faculty, students, and community members. No experience needed. Co-sponsored by The William Jewett Tucker Center, Student Wellness Center and Wellness at Dartmouth.

  • Date: Mondays
  • Time: 8 am
  • Location: Rollins Chapel
  • Questions? Contract Nancy Vogele, College Chaplain, at nancy.a.vogele@dartmouth.edu or 603.646.3772.


Mindfulness Practice Group: Wednesdays at 8am

The Mindfulness Practice Group for faculty and staff meets weekly from 8:00-9:00 am every Wednesday virtually. The group meditates together for 30 minutes each week and then discusses a chapter from a relevant book or questions and issues related to meditation practice. All are welcome. Anyone interested is encouraged to join. Brought to you by the The William Jewett Tucker Center. 

  • Date: Wednesdays
  • Time: 8 am
  • Location: Attend via Zoom
  • Contact Tucker.Center@dartmouth.edu to be added to the email list and connect with a weekly Zoom Mindfulness Sit.


Student Wellness Center: Mindfulness Sessions

There are a variety of virtual and in-person, as well as pre-recorded, mindfulness sessions hosted by the Student Wellness Center that are open to staff, faculty, and students. See the upcoming schedule.

Headspace: Live Virtual Meditations & Workshops 

We could all use a little calm in our busy schedules. So join the Headspace team for monthly live meditations and quarterly workshops designed to support your mental health.

  • Each month, a Headspace teacher will lead a live 30-minute meditation and Q&A that’ll help clear your mind and cultivate mindfulness.
  • Every quarter, coaches, therapists, and meditation teachers will host hour-long workshops offering expert-backed support on mental health topics like building connections, navigating grief, and sleeping soundly.


View the upcoming schedule. 

On Demand Library: Webinars

All of our previously offered webinars are recorded and linked below. There are a lot of great topics. Check them out!

Physical Well-being:

Emotional Well-being:

Financial Well-being:

Environmental Well-being:

Social Well-being:





Last Updated