Social Justice Awards
The Social Justice Awards were established in 2002 by the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee, which has a diverse membership from a variety of departments at Dartmouth College. These awards were established to recognize individual alumni, faculty, staff, and student groups for their commitment to causes of social justice, civil rights, peace, education, public health or environmental justice.
Nomination & Past Winners 
Awardees are honored at the annual Conversations with Change Makers award ceremony in January, part of the College's month-long MLK Celebration.
To learn more about the nomination process, past winners, and the 2022 Award Winners.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Social Justice Awards
Dartmouth’s Social Justice Awards, co-sponsored by the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee, Office of Institutional Diversity & Equity, William Jewett Tucker Center, Dartmouth Center for Social Impact, and Geisel School of Medicine, were established to recognize members of the Dartmouth community including alumni/ae, current and former faculty, staff, student groups and others with ties to the college, who have contributed significantly to peace, civil rights, education, public health, environmental justice, or social justice. The awards honor members of the Dartmouth community who have demonstrated their compassion, perseverance, courage, and leadership by engaging in the difficult work of fostering human dignity and our common humanity through their projects, programs, and visions.
IDE remains committed to acknowledging the foundational tenants of social justice, which include equity, access to resources and opportunities, as well as an understanding of the intersecting systems of power, privilege and oppression and their impact on our individual and collective identities and experiences.
The awards are given in four categories: Emerging Leadership, Ongoing Commitment, Lifetime Achievement and Student Organization.
- Emerging Leadership honors an individual who has served less than 10 years in their chosen field of work or is a recent graduate.
- Ongoing Commitment honors an individual who has served between 10 and 20 years in their chosen field of work.
- Lifetime Achievement honors honors an individual who has dedicated more than 20 years to their chosen field.
- Student Organization honors a student group for its commitment to promoting social justice in our community and beyond. (Note that to be eligible for this award, student organizations must (A) be a Dartmouth-sponsored/supported group OR (B) have an active presence on the Dartmouth campus.)
The Lester B. Granger ’18 Award for Lifetime Achievement
Presented by the Dartmouth Center for Social Impact
The William Jewett Tucker Foundation established the Lester B. Granger ’18 Award in the spring of 2002. Lester Granger was one of four brothers who attended Dartmouth College. His distinguished career included working as a teacher, coach, social worker, and youth counselor; he was best known for serving as the executive director of the Urban League for 20 years. A veteran of World War I, Granger was asked by President Roosevelt to be the special advisor to the Secretary of the Navy on Negro personnel, and was nationally known for his leadership in eliminating racism and his attention to issues of poverty. Among other honors, Granger received the Navy’s Distinguished Civilian Service Medal and was awarded the President’s Medal for Merit by President Truman. In 1951 he became the first African American to be nominated as president of the National Conference of Social Work, and in 1961 he was elected in Rome as the President of the International Conference of Social Work. In retirement, Granger taught at the college level and served as a trustee for several colleges and non-profit organizations. He remained an enthusiastic member of his Dartmouth class and actively participated in alumni activities. He received an honorary degree from Dartmouth in 1946.
The Granger Award is presented annually to a Dartmouth College graduate or graduates whose lifelong commitment to public service has been exemplary. Granger Award recipients have exhibited leadership and innovation in meeting community needs and benefiting an underserved population
The Holly Fell Sateia Award
The Holly Fell Sateia Award was established by President Jim Yong Kim and Provost Carol Folt in 2011 to honor the legacy of Holly Fell Sateia MALS’82, Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Equity, Emerita, and to recognize diversity as a vibrant part of Dartmouth’s mission. This award recognizes a faculty or staff member at Dartmouth who is an enthusiastic and effective leader in advancing diversity and community.
All faculty and staff at Dartmouth are eligible for this award. Nominees should demonstrate an enduring interest in and ability to build and enhance diversity, through sustained effort and work, enriching the lives of surrounding community members. This enrichment helps foster a safe environment in which a community can learn, collaborate, and innovate.