I-9 Form

By federal law, all employers must verify the employment eligibility and identity of each person hired, including U.S. citizens. 

Complete your I-9 in Hanover, NH

Step one: On or before your employment start date

Complete Section 1 of the Form I-9 online

  • Non-US Citizens/Non-Permanent Residents should select #4 (A noncitizen authorized to work until).
  • Student visa holders should enter their Program End Date in the ‘expiration date’ field. All others should enter their document’s expiration date in the ‘expiration date’ field.

Step two: On or before your third day of employment

Meet in person with a Dartmouth College trained I-9 division representative (pdf) to complete Section Two within the first three days of the start of employment. The employee must provide original documentation (no photocopies or scanned documents are accepted) and all documents will be verified electronically through the USCIS E-Verify system. Please allow up to 15 minutes for this process to take place.

Failure to complete the above steps within three days of starting work may result in suspension or termination of employment.

If you are a foreign national who will now or in the future require visa sponsorship for work authorization in the United States, your department or professional school will work directly with the Office of Visa and Immigration Services to facilitate that process.

Complete I-9 outside of Hanover, NH

Dartmouth has contracted with a third party (Equifax's I-9 Anywhere) so new employees who are working within the United States and cannot complete an I-9 in person in Hanover, NH can use this service. A functional web/mobile phone camera is required to complete a virtual I-9.

Important! To complete both section one and section two at the same time, employees should ensure:

  1. Employee has their original government-accepted I-9 documents (copies, photos, and scans are not accepted)
  2. It is between the hours of 7:00 am and 5:30 pm, central time, Monday through Friday, and
  3. Employee has allocated up to 30 minutes for the entire process to take place

Steps to complete a virtual I-9:

  1. On or before your FIRST day of employment: Use this link to complete section 1 of the Form I-9 for Dartmouth.
    • Employees must enter their full Legal Name as it appears on their legal document(s). This includes middle initial and any suffix such as Jr, Sr, II, etc.
      Employees must enter all other last names they have used in the past or present (such as maiden OR former names), if any.
    • Non-US Citizens/Non-Permanent Residents should select #4 (A noncitizen authorized to work until).
    • Student visa holders should enter their Program End Date in the ‘expiration date’ field and all others should enter their document’s expiration date in the ‘expiration date’ field.
  2. Upon completion of Section 1 of the Form I-9, employee will be required to upload the front and back of the acceptable documents. An email confirmation will be sent to the employee’s email from human.resources@dartmouth.edu.
    • Employee will be required to be on camera and will physically need to show the acceptable documents, front and back.
    • If employee is unable to complete this step for any reason (agent not available at time of completing section one, documents not present, technical difficulties), they must log back into the system using the link in their email confirmation and finish uploading and showing their government-accepted I-9 documents during open hours (M-F, 7:00 am – 5:30 pm central time).

All documents will be verified electronically through the USCIS E-Verify system. Please allow up to 30 minutes for this process to take place.

Employees who have difficulty accessing the site or without access to a functional web/mobile phone camera should contact Human Resources to request assistance: human.resources@dartmouth.edu | 603-646-3411

Failure to complete the above steps within three days of starting work may result in suspension or termination of employment.

Note: If you are a foreign national who will now or in the future require visa sponsorship for work authorization in the United States, your department or professional school will work directly with the Office of Visa and Immigration Services at Dartmouth to facilitate that process.

Re-verify your I-9 in Hanover, NH

Employees who need to re-verify their Form I-9 should review the in-person office hours for Dartmouth Payroll, then take their original re-verification documents in person to complete the re-verification process prior to the expiration of their Form I-9.  Employees may also email Dartmouth.Payroll@dartmouth.edu or call Payroll (603-646-2697) with any questions. Note that all documents must be original – we are not permitted to accept photocopies, photos, or scans.

Re-verifing your I-9 outside of Hanover, NH

Employees who need to re-verify their Form I-9 remotely should email Dartmouth.Payroll@dartmouth.edu or call Payroll (603-646-2697) to request to re-verify their I-9 remotely. Note that all documents must be original – we are not permitted to accept photocopies, photos, or scans.

Dartmouth E-Verify Employer Code

Dartmouth's E-Verify Employer Code is 1200314.
Our Employer Name is "Trustees of Dartmouth College".

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