Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation Process
The Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation Process applies to regular staff members not covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Dartmouth’s new Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation Process is designed to be a collaborative experience for staff members and their supervisors: It serves as both a shared review of your progress to date and a roadmap for ongoing conversations with your supervisor about your job performance, career development, and achieving individual and shared goals. It offers a simple and intuitive framework to reflect on your accomplishments, address challenges, and plan for your future success. HR Learning and Development is excited to announce two Micro-Learning Paths, one for managers and another for staff, to support Annual Performance Plan & Evaluation conversations. Each learning path contains engaging content & follow up resources to enhance the performance conversation experience!
Process Timeline
How the Process Works
Skill Development Offerings
Frequently Asked Questions
Process Timeline
October 1, 2024: Staff members who start in their position on or before this date should complete an Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation. Those who start later than this date may use the plan and evaluation template to set goals, but they are not expected to upload it to their employee file in this yearly cycle.
November 2024 to February 2025: Draft your plan, discuss it with your supervisor, and make revisions as needed. Your department or team may also review and update its plans during this time, ensuring that individual and collective goals remain aligned.
March 3, 2025: Deadline to upload your completed plan and evaluation to your Dartmouth employee file via the online upload tool. Requests to upload after this date should be discussed with your HR Business Partner.
How the Process Works
Your HR Business Partner will offer how-to sessions to explain how the process works and answer questions. Here is a preview of the process:
1. Create your plan:
Use the plan and evaluation template to draft your plan and make revisions with input from your supervisor.
2. Supervisor completes their evaluation:
Once you and your supervisor have finalized your plan, your supervisor will add their evaluation in the “SUPERVISOR EVALUATION” section of the plan and evaluation template.
3. Submit your completed Plan and Evaluation:
Your HR Business Partner will provide instructions to supervisors for submitting your Plan and Evaluation once it has been completed.
4. Maintain your plan and evaluation:
Consider reviewing and updating your plan throughout the year and discuss these updates periodically with your supervisor. Keeping it updated will save you time preparing for the next yearly cycle.
The Human Resources Learning & Development team offers micro-learning paths focused on helping both staff members and supervisors develop their skills in managing job performance and career growth. Each learning path contains engaging content & follow up resources to enhance the performance conversation experience!
Staff members may access their learning pathways here.
Managers may access their learning pathways here.
Q: Why are we changing the annual performance process? Why did we get rid of performance ratings?
A: To have a more collaborative yearly process that fosters ongoing conversations about job success, career development, and achieving individual and shared goals. Traditional performance ratings can oversimplify performance and stifle productive and forward-looking discussions that promote accountability and continuous progress.
Q: I don’t know how to get started with writing my plan. I need help with setting goals. What should I do?
A: Use the plan and evaluation template and use the goal-setting guide provided with the template.
Q: What does it mean to have “ongoing conversations” with my supervisor? What should happen in these conversations?
A: These conversations are opportunities to regularly discuss your recent accomplishments, current challenges, and progress achieving individual and shared goals. They should be open, honest dialogues where timely updates are given, feedback is exchanged, coaching and support are offered, and opportunities for growth are explored. Your HR Business Partner can help you and your supervisor design an agenda for these conversations.
Q: How is the Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation Process used to determine annual pay increases? Without performance ratings, how will pay increases be determined?
A: The plan and evaluation process is designed to foster ongoing conversations about job success, career development, and achieving collective and individual goals. The annual pay increase program is a separate process with parameters that may change from year to year based on available funding, broader economic considerations, and school/division budget priorities. Assuming funding for the annual increase program remains similar as previous years, an overall assessment of your job performance by your school/division leadership (including a review of job performance-related documentation) will continue to be an essential component in determining pay increases.
Q: I need help with giving and receiving feedback. What can I do?
A: For giving feedback, be specific, timely, and constructive. Consider giving feedforward: offer suggestions for what your colleague could do differently in a future situation. When seeking and receiving feedback, listen openly, ask questions for clarity, reflect on the input provided, and say thank you, even if you disagree with the feedback.
Q: In this new process, how do supervisors address performance concerns? What if a supervisor does not agree with something a staff member puts in their plan?
A: Supervisors should address performance and conduct concerns as soon as they are observed or reported. Consult with your HR Business Partner on effective ways to address such concerns when they arise. If there is disagreement over the Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation that cannot be resolved, your HR Business Partner is available as a resource. Ultimately, supervisors have the authority to ensure all viewpoints are covered in the Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation.
Q: Can supervisors still issue Performance Improvement Plans?
A: A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a separate process used when a particular aspect of a staff member’s performance requires focused attention and specific corrective actions are needed.
Q: What if I have multiple jobs and/or supervisors?
A: Work with your primary supervisor (the one responsible for most of your work) to complete your Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation. An evaluation from another supervisor can be incorporated into your plan and evaluation to facilitate a more comprehensive discussion.
Q: Even though my team member started in their position before October 1, there are reasons why I believe they should not complete an Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation this year or by March 3, 2025. What do I do?
A: Consult with your HR Business Partner to discuss whether an exemption or delay is appropriate for the specific circumstances.
Q: I started after October 1, but I would still like to complete an Annual Performance Plan and Evaluation. Can I?
A: Yes, if you would like to participate in this year’s process (even though it is not required), work with your supervisor to complete a plan and evaluation. This can help you set and align goals early in your role.