Forms & Resources

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Student Employee Forms & Resources

Collective Bargaining Agreements

Employer Forms & Resources

Student Employment Handbook

The Student Employment Handbook (pdf) contains detailed information regarding Student Employment polices and guidelines including: student work eligibility, student pay, supervisor and employee responsibilities, how to find a job, student hiring, and timesheet entry. Employees and employers are expected to read and abide by the expectations in the handbook.

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Department of Labor Workplace Posters

Federal and New Hampshire state Department of Labor workplace posters, including the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), are available on this Human Resources page.

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Student Employee Telecommuting Agreement

This online form must be completed by a student employee who has offered a position to work remotely (outside of the local area). The following requirements must be met BEFORE an employer may hire a student to work remotely:

The Student Employee must:

  • be an active Dartmouth College student (not withdrawn from the institution), and
  • be living within the United States (US) throughout the entirety of their remote employment this term, and
  • be fully authorized to work for Dartmouth College in the US as determined by the completion of a Form I-9, and
  • complete the online Student Employee Telecommuting Agreement (employer will receive email from SEO confirming that this has been completed), and
  • be supervised by a Dartmouth College staff or faculty, and
  • accurately records their work hours each workday within the electronic timesheet system

If these criteria are met: The employer may hire the student employee using the standard hourly-student hiring process after receiving an emailed copy of the completed agreement employment details entered by the student employee in the online telecommuting agreement.

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Recommended Student Hourly Rate Structure & Guidelines

The SEO developed the Recommended Student Hourly Rate Structure & Guidelines for Student Wage (pdf) as a tool for employers striving to set a fair and equitable student wage. It also offers suggestions for differential rates, longevity and merit increases.

Employers may also find this 2% wage increase increment worksheet (excel) helpful.

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How to Process Payments to Students

Dartmouth College faculty and staff should use the guidelines on student pay to learn how to process payments to students. Review it carefully to determine which method of student payment is appropriate. The page also defines useful terms and definitions used when compensating, awarding or reimbursing students.

Contact directly to discuss any requests to pay a student employee in a non-hourly manner.  NOTE: Requests that do not meet the exception guidelines outlined in the How to Process Payments to Students policy will not be approved.

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Offer Letter, Hiring Agreement & Confidentiality Agreement

Employers are encouraged to adapt the template documents below for their use.

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Historical Reporting of Hourly Student Hiring in PA Smart Form (PASF)

This document (pdf) provides instructions on how to generate a historical report of hourly student hires in the legacy Personnel Action (PA) Smart Form (PASF) student hiring system (jobs/hires prior to March 19, 2023).

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I-9 Form (Employment Eligibility Verification)

By federal law, all employers must verify the employment eligibility and identity of each person hired, including U.S. citizens.

Student employees may only complete this form after they have obtained a job; the form must be completed IN PERSON no later than 3 days from the start date of the job. Employees who have previously been employed on campus should already have these forms on file. Failure to complete the above steps within three days of starting work will result in suspension or termination of employment.

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Electronic Pay Options (Go Green!)

All employees are strongly encouraged to make use of one or both electronic pay options outlined in the bullets below. Direct questions about these electronic pay options to the Dartmouth Payroll Office via email or phone (603- 646-2697).

Employees that do not set up electronic pay will have their paper paycheck sent via US mail.

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Submit a Late or Corrected Student Employee Timesheet

For work performed on/after March 19, 2023: If a student employee discovers a mistake in their timesheet or needs to revise their hours for any reason, the employee must complete the Request Timesheet Edit form. Dartmouth Payroll will reopen the timesheet(s) within one business day. Employees will need to complete and submit the timesheet before the current pay period ends. 

For work performed prior to March 19, 2023: If a student employee discovers a mistake in their timesheet or needs to revise their hours for any reason, the employee must complete a Late or Revised Student Timesheet (xlsx), found on Payroll's Staff and Student Time Reporting website, to correct the employee hours and pay. Refer to the correct Student Payroll Schedule to confirm which two weeks are recorded and paid together.

Changes to any past pay periods cannot be made in Kronos. Corrected timesheets will be researched and processed with the next payroll when submitted by the deadline.

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