Inclusive Excellence Action Plan & Accomplishments

Reflecting on the past, in 2016, the Dartmouth Action Plan for Inclusive Excellence laid out a set of actions to be undertaken during 2017-2018. As part of this plan, Finance pledged to promote a more diverse and inclusive environment at Dartmouth by focusing on four primary areas:

·  Work Process and Communication
·  Professional Development 
·  Client Service/Outreach 
·  Recruitment/Retention

Since then, Finance has made notable strides in strengthening and expanding the divisional community, culture, and communication by engaging its employees.

Work Process & Communication

  • Encouraging Flexibility: Managers are encouraged to provide flexibility in hours and work location, while also meeting the operational needs of the organization.
  • Promoting Community: Through the F&A Staff Teams site, we have been able to expand our outreach to encompass more of the F&A Division, Finance Centers, and the Investment Office. This platform provides a communal space to maintain connections, acknowledge achievements, share resources, seek assistance, and stay informed on ongoing Finance initiatives and projects.

Professional Development

  • F&A Professional Development Committee: The F&A Professional Development Committee has broadened the scope of its professional development programs and community engagement events. These include regular mini-sessions on professional development, discussions on career paths, presentations on "Day in the Life" experiences, DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) talks, and informal coffee breaks. In addition, the committee disseminates bi-weekly communication about upcoming learning opportunities and a monthly newsletter that shares news related to Dartmouth and higher education.
  • C3I Gender Bias Training: Finance continues to offer C3I (Campus, Climate, and Culture Initiative) Gender-Bias training. C3I is required for all Finance staff and offered to all members of the F&A Division, Finance Centers, and Investment Office. 
  • Leadership Training: All staff are encouraged to participate in management and leadership training, such as DartSmart, LEADS, Star Academy and other relevant learning opportunities.

Client Service & Outreach

  • Community Engagement: Finance has also continued to promote community outreach by holding regular bi-weekly, quarterly, and bi-annual meetings and forums across campus to exchange feedback on policies, processes, projects, and initiatives.
  • Outreach: The Finance & Admin Update is a monthly newsletter designed to provide timely, relevant, and consistent updates on Finance & Admin activities. The newsletter leverages the F&A Outreach Listserv to allow Dartmouth community members to self-subscribe to receive news and announcements. 
  • Accessibility: In order to ensure that information is inclusive, consistent, and accessible, Finance aims to educate its staff who are responsible for communication, training, and web management on how to create content that is accessible and inclusive. 
  • Community Involvement: Finance staff members are encouraged, both as individuals and teams, to become involved in the wider Dartmouth community. Staff members are encouraged to participate in the Volunteer Time-Off Program, campus and student events, Student House Communities, fundraising, and the Dartmouth United Way campaign.

Recruitment & Retention

  • Recruitment: Finance collaborates with HR to ensure position descriptions, advertising, and compensation renders a diverse and qualified applicant pool. Collaborations with colleagues throughout the community allow for a search committee with varied backgrounds and experiences. 
  • Onboarding: Integrating new hires into our community is crucial for fostering engagement, commitment, and understanding of our community, culture, and values. Finance’s onboarding process is multi-dimensional, ensuring that new staff have access to resources, systems, and people with whom they will interact in their role. 
  • Exit Interviews: When staff members leave Finance, a Finance leader conducts an exit interview to understand their reasons for leaving, evaluate their overall employee experience, and identify opportunities to enhance retention and engagement.

Special Thank You to the Inclusive Excellence Committee

Jeannette Crary, Keysi Montas, Kelly Mousley, Toni Pippy, Paul Rivers, Cameron Stevens, Matt Sykes, Gail Goodness, and Jeff Ives.