Dartmouth Budget Committee
The Dartmouth Budget Committee is a standing committee chaired by the Provost. The committee considers resource and budgetary issues for the institution, and provides advice and recommendations to the President and Provost on an ongoing basis.
- Makes recommendations on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year
- Provides guidance on the resource needs and priorities for long-range planning
- Reviews divisional and unit level budget documents focusing on cost implications, identification of reinvestment funds, revenue growth, and priorities
- Provides a cross-campus perspective on the resource needs and priorities for newly proposed institutional commitments
- Considers budget implications of internal and external financial risks
- Communicates with the faculty, staff and the broader Dartmouth community
Executive Committee
- EVP for Strategy and Special Counsel to the President
- Provost
- Dean and Professor of Engineering, Thayer School
- Dean, Geisel School of Medicine
- Dean, Tuck School of Business
- Dean, Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies
- Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
- Senior Vice President for University Advancement
- Senior Vice President and Senior Diversity Officer
Budget Committee
- Senior Vice President for Communications
- Chief Financial Officer
- Vice Provost for Strategic Initiatives
- Vice Provost for Research
- Vice President of Information, Technology & Consulting (VP IT), Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Dean of Libraries
- Co-Interim Dean of the College
- Co-Interim Dean of the College
- Senior Vice President of Capital Planning & Campus Operations
- Chief Advancement Officer
- Chief Human Resources Officer
- Vice President for Alumni Relations
- CIPr Representative (Faculty)
- CPr Representative (Faculty)
- CPr Representative (Faculty)
- CPr Representative (Faculty)
- Senior Associate Dean for Administration and Finance for the Geisel School of Medicine
- Chief Financial and Administrative Officer, Thayer School of Engineering
- Associate Dean for Finance and Administration
- Chief Finance and Operation Officer
- Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid
- Interim General Counsel
- Director of Athletics and Recreation
- Vice President for Finance and Controller
- Chief Compliance Officer
- Senior Vice President for Community and Campus Life
Support Team for the Budget Committee:
- Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Assistant Vice President for Financial Planning & Budget
- CFAO and Deputy to Senior Vice President
- Vice President of Facilities and Energy
- Associate Provost for Finance & Operations
- Executive Director for Finance and Administration
- Fiscal Officer and Sponsored Research Administrator
- Chief of Staff for Dartmouth Athletics and Recreation
- Director of A&S Finance & Research Administration
The executive committee meets at least quarterly, and as needed, as part of the Deans Meetings with the Provost.The full committee meets at least monthly from September through March.
Working groups made up from the membership will address specific topics and will meet as needed. Working groups will report back to the full committee.