Policies & Forms
Payroll Policies
Pay Advance Policy
A Payroll advance is receipt of pay prior to your next regular pay check. The amount received in advance is deducted from your next regular pay check. Advances are subject to all taxes and other deductions in effect at the time the check is run.
Payroll Corrections Policy
Dartmouth College is dedicated to ensuring the correct and timely payment of employee wages and all applicable tax withholding. Although we strive to pay our employees on time and correctly, there are circumstances when payroll corrections are necessary. These corrections are processed using off cycle checks (i.e., quick pays).
Payroll Overpayment Policy
An overpayment results when an employee is inadvertently compensated above the amount he/she should have received for services rendered in his/her salary or additional payment.
Pre-tax Parking Plan
Dartmouth College is establishing an employee benefit plan known as the Pre-tax Parking Plan (the "Plan"). The Plan allows employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for certain parking expenses associated with their work at Dartmouth College.
Payroll Supplemental Payment (Quick Pays)
This policy is to clarify the schedule for processing of payroll corrections and special payments. The policy differentiates between discretionary payments that will be included in the employee's next scheduled pay and follow the employee's direct deposit schedule and payroll corrections and regulated payments that will be paid as an off-cycle payment according to the Payroll Corrections Policy.
Time Reporting for Hourly Staff
This policy describes the time recording process for hourly employees; the responsibilities of employees, supervisors, and approvers to ensure that employees are properly paid for all time worked; and the process for reporting problems related to the recording of hourly staff time.
Time Reporting for Hourly Student Employees
This policy describes the time recording process for hourly student employees; the responsibilities of hourly student employees, supervisors and approvers to ensure that hourly student employees are properly paid for all time worked; and the process for reporting problems related to the recording of hourly student employee time.
Payroll Forms
Hourly-Paid Employees Revised/Prior Timesheet
Hourly-Paid Student Employees Revised/Prior Timesheet
MYLS (Future Labor Schedule Change Request)
Payroll Mailing Labels and Instructions
Retroactive Wage Transfer Request
Supplemental Pay Request (Quick Pays)