Working with Suppliers
Vendor Guide
The Dartmouth College Vendor Guide serves to acquaint you with the procurement policies and procedures of conducting business with Dartmouth. Topics of the guide include:
Becoming a Supplier
PaymentWorks Vendor Portal
PaymentWorks FAQ for Departments
Sprintax for Non-Resident Payments
Working with Procurement
Ordering Policies & Procedures
Supplier Diversity
Supplier Ethics, Responsibility, & Safety
Supplier Diversity
Dartmouth is committed to prioritizing minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, disabled-owned, and LGBTQ-owned businesses throughout our purchasing process, while actively striving to expand our business with diverse suppliers. This site provides information on what and how to engage diverse suppliers and providing information to suppliers on how to engage with Dartmouth.
Independent Contractors
Information on the Independent Contractor and Guest policy, hiring and engaging with individuals providing services or goods and the methods in which to enter into the engagement.
Construction & Maintenance of Facilities
Information on onsite requirements.