Employee Time Management
Staff & Student Timecards
All hourly-paid employees must record all hours worked within their designated electronic time management system.
- All biweekly (non-exempt) employees must use the Kronos Electronic Timecard system to record all hours worked.
- All student employees must use the Next Gen Student Employment TimesheetX system to record all hours worked.
See Staff & Student Timecards for detailed instructions on using the Kronos Electronic Timecard system.
Time Reporting Best Practices
Expectations for All
- Follow the Time Reporting for Hourly Staff Employee and Time Reporting for Hourly Student Employee Policies
- Employees report exact time worked to the minute
- Employees report worked time the day of work
- Employees are paid for all time work
- All time reported by 11:59 PM, Saturday Pay Period End (PPE)
- Established expectation for hours worked, breaks, overtime, and paid time off
- Timecard reviewed by Supervisor Monday morning after PPE
- Corrections entered and approval complete by 12:00 PM on Monday after PPE
Timecard Rounding
All biweekly (non-student) employees time reported is rounded to the nearest quarter-hour (7-minute rounding rule) set on Kronos timecard. Time worked of 7 minutes or less of the quarter hour, will round down and 8 minutes or more will round forward.
The actual time employees begin, and end work will continue to be reflected in the “In” and “Out” columns, respectively. The Kronos system will reflect the rounding in the Totals column.
In | Out | In | Out | Total | |
Scheduled Hours | 8:00AM | 12:00PM | 12:30PM | 4:30PM | 8.0 |
Ex 1: Actual Hours | 7:53AM | 12:03PM | 12:35PM | 4:25PM | 8.0 |
Ex 2: Actual Hours | 8:07AM | 11:58AM | 12:33PM | 4:35PM | 8.0 |
Time reported should be the exact time the employee either began or ended working. The timecard is the legal record of the employee’s time. Please do not alter hours in any way to manipulate the rounding rules. Also please do not report scheduled hours or round the timecard manually.
Supervisor Responsibilities
See Supervisor Training for more information
- Ensure that employees are paid for all hours worked.
- May not falsify, alter, or incorrectly record or report hours worked by an employee, or instruct or advise an employee to do the same. Any of these actions are grounds for corrective action, up to and including termination.
- Must ensure that a non-exempt employee who has worked 5 consecutive hours has a meal period free from any work responsibilities.
- Must ensure that an employee who misses a meal period or whose meal period is interrupted is paid for the meal period.
- Must ensure that they review all time reported.
- Must record and submit corrections for any errors or omissions before they are submitted for payment.
- When an error is discovered on a timecard or timesheet that has been approved the
employee and supervisor must address the correction.
- If prior to payroll processing, the employee and supervisor should contact the Finance
Center to open the timesheet for correction.
- If payroll has been processed, biweekly employee corrections are processed through a revised paper timesheet, signed by the supervisor and submitted to the Payroll Office. The Payroll Office corrects the Kronos timecard. If the pay period has been signed off by Payroll, the Finance Center will work with Payroll to correct the pay period.
- Student employee corrections are processed within TimesheetX. Student submit Request Timesheet Edit form to the Payroll Office and the Payroll Office will reopen the timesheet for the student to make their corrections and submit to their supervisor to approve.
- All corrections following the close of the payroll processing will be paid with the next payroll period.
- If the employee is unavailable to make their own timecard edits, the supervisor must
discuss and document using the Exception Log any changes to the employee timekeeping record and have the employee record their
consent to the change.
- Note: If the employee disputes the accuracy of any time adjustments for wage payment purposes, the dispute must be resolved in favor of the employee absent indisputable evidence that the adjusted time is correct. Under no circumstances may an employee be paid for less time than they actually worked.
- Supervisors should report disputes that are not resolved to Human Resources.
- If prior to payroll processing, the employee and supervisor should contact the Finance
Center to open the timesheet for correction.