2023 Long Term Disability Benefits

Dartmouth offers short-term and long-term disability benefits to regular, benefits eligible full-time and part-time employees working 20+ hours per week and 9 months annually. Dartmouth's disability plans are administered by Lincoln Financial Group.

Contact Information

Lincoln Financial
Your Account: mylincolnportal.com

Long Term Disability Policy

Please click here to review the full Leave of Absence (LOA) Policy, which includes additional information not found on this website.


In the event an employee's disability continues beyond the short-term disability (STD) maximum benefit period, they may be eligible for benefits through the long-term disability plan.

Dartmouth College provides 50% pay replacement at no cost to employees up to a maximum of $15,000 per month.

  • SEIU Employees need three continuous years of service to be eligible for Long Term Disability.  Please refer to your union contract for more information about this benefit, including monthly limits.
  • Research Associate B's and Research Fellows are not eligible for this benefit.

Benefit Enrollment Information

New Hires:  Newly benefit eligible employees will be defaulted into 50% pay replacement upon hire at no cost, or they may buy up to 60% or 70% pay replacement for an additional cost.  The effective date of the chosen coverage will be the date that the employee became eligible for benefits.

Open Enrollment: During open enrollment employees may only  increase their percentage of coverage by 10%; i.e. from 50% to 60% or from 60% to 70%.  The effective date of the coverage change will be January 1st of the upcoming calendar year.

Pre-Existing Conditions:  Please note, any pre-existing conditions diagnosed or treated during the 1-year period prior to the effective date mentioned above, will not be eligible for LTD coverage at the increased percentage rate (60% or 70%). However, any new conditions diagnosed or treated after the effective date will be eligible for LTD coverage at the increased percentage rate.

Transitioning to Long Term Disability (LTD)

If an employee is out of work on short-term disability, their assigned STD Disability Case Manager (DCM) at Lincoln Financial Group will begin the communication process of LTD benefits prior to reaching the 180 day elimination period from "date of disability"; around day 77 (week 11) of STD benefits.

For more information about the transition from Short Term Disability to Long Term Disability and the effect this has on y our other benefits, please visit the Long Term Disability Leaves webpage.

Last Updated