Having a Baby & Paid Parental Leave
Short Term Disability Pay
Non-Exempt & Hourly
• Days 1-7 (week 1) elimination period (use PTO if available, otherwise unpaid)
• Days 8-42 (weeks 2-6) paid at 100% by STD benefit if natural birth; OR
• Days 8-56 (weeks 2-8) paid at 100% by STD benefit if delivered via cesarean
Exempt & Research Associate B's
• Days 1-14 (weeks 1-2) elimination period funded by the department
• Days 15-42 (weeks 3-6) paid at 100% by STD benefit if natural birth; OR
• Days 15-56 (weeks 3-8) paid at 100% by STD benefit if delivered via cesarean
When to File for Short Term Disability
When you are prepared to file for short-term disability benefits – 4 weeks prior to your due date, or immediately if you are taken out of work by your Dr. due to a medical complication of the pregnancy, please contact our Disability Administrator, Lincoln Financial, at 800-213-1531 and notify the Benefit Office, Disability Leave Administrator, if you are taken out of work prior to the baby’s arrival. Maternity, [Disability Leave] commences on the day of the baby’s birth, as that is the disabling event which qualifies you for disability benefits, any time off taken prior to the baby’s arrival, not medically supported due to a complication of the pregnancy, does not qualify as part of the disability / maternity leave benefit.
Parental Paid Leave Benefit
Policy update: 1/1/23
Policy Update FAQ
Staff Parental Leave Policy: Please click here to review the full policy, which includes additional information not found on this website.
Dartmouth provides an additional eight weeks of pay replacement. The first six weeks at 100% and an additional two weeks at 60% of your pre-disability pay.
Dartmouth offers a paid parental leave benefit to regular, benefits-eligible staff.
- Employees (non-faculty, non-union and union) who are spouses, partners, and adoptive parents are also eligible for eight weeks of paid parental leave.
- The eight-week paid leave may be taken immediately following birth or adoption or at any time during the first year of becoming a parent. Leave time can be taken all at once, intermittently, or incrementally (e.g., mother easing back into work on a part-time basis), with prior approval from the supervisor. Intermittent time is limited to half days.
- In order to be eligible for paid parental leave, the employee must be employed at Dartmouth at the time of the birth or adoption.
Parental Leave Application
To request Parental Leave, please contact the Disability Office prior to taking your leave. If you have additional questions, please call 603-646-6825 or email Disability@dartmouth.edu.
Other Considerations
Arrangements for returning to work after your maternity leave need to be made, in advance, of your leave including: your return to work plan, paid and unpaid time, or resuming a part-time schedule prior to returning to a full-time schedule. Requests made after the maternity leave has started may be denied.
If you plan to add the baby to your Dartmouth Cigna Health Plan you may log-in to FlexOnline, within 30 days of the baby’s birth, and add the baby onto your health plan. If you plan to add the baby to another health plan, please check with that employer and/or carrier regarding their enrollment process or needed form to be completed.
If the baby will be cared for by a day-care provider whether that be a privately employed caregiver or a licensed day care program, please review the Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) benefits available to you through the College’s benefit package. Note: You may NOT contribute to a DCFSA while you or a spouse is not working (i.e. short term disability leave, maternity leave, parental leave, unemployed, etc.)
Dartmouth Medical Plan Coverage
For information on what your medical plan covers, please review the Summary of Benefits for your elected medical plan.
Helpful Resources
- Human Resources Benefits Office - Dartmouth 603-646-3588
- Lincoln Financial, at 800-213-1531
- Women's Health Resource Center (WHRC): Is a community service of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center located on the mall in Lebanon, NH. WHRC educators are available to answer your questions about childbirth preparation, postpartum care, and breastfeeding support. They can help you find resources in their lending library, classes and support groups and their on-site boutique and the community. Visit their website for more information.