Chart of Accounts

The Chart of Accounts (COA) is the complete set of values used by Dartmouth for, budgeting, recording, and reporting on all financial transactions.

Chart String Structure

A chart string consists of six segments with a total of 25 digits. This structure assists in the consistent posting and reporting of financial transactions. The COA records financial transactions; identifies resources that are available for College use; provides financial data for analysis and monitoring of account balances; and allows budgeting for College programs. The diagram below depicts the six segments of the College's chart string.

To request a new value in any of these segments, or modify an existing value in any segment, you will need to fill out the appropriate segment form.



# of digits

Entity Who? What School? 2
Org What department? 3
Funding Where does the money come from? 6
Activity How is the money spent and received?  6
Subactivity (Open to department use) 4
Natural Class   What are the expenses and revenues?
What are the assets and liabilities?


Segment Value Lists

View the workbook of current chart string segment values🔒.  Each segment is on a separate tab in the Excel workbook.  These lists will be updated on a quarterly basis.

If you have access to the Institutional Reporting and Analysis (IRA) tool you may run current segment value reports.  The Segment Lookup Dashboard is available on the Home Page under the Lookups Section.  A separate report is available for each segment value and each contains filters that allow you to limit the values returned.


Use the following forms to request new segment values, make changes to an existing segment value's description, responsible person, hierarchy or attributes, or disable/re-enable values.

When a new Org value is required or a modification to an existing value is required:

When a new Gift Funding value is required or a modification to an existing value is required:

When a new Funding value is required or a modification to an existing value is required:

When a new Activity value is required or a modification to an existing value is required:

When a new SubActivity value is required or a modification to an existing value is required:

When a new Natural Class value is required or a modification to an existing value is required:

If you have any questions or comments on the Chart of Accounts forms, please e-mail

Last Updated