Reporting Vehicle Accidents/Incidents

Reporting Procedures

In the event of an accident involving a College vehicle (owned, leased or rented by Dartmouth) the driver should do the following:

  • Call for medical assistance if required
  • Contact the local police at the time of the accident
  • Contact the Department of Safety and Security at (603) 646-4000
  • Contact their supervisor or department head
  • Secure the name, address and phone number of all involved parties and witnesses
  • If another vehicle is involved secure information on the vehicle, driver, owner and insurance company
  • Within 24 hours complete a Vehicle Accident/Incident Report and fax it to Risk Management and Insurance at 603-646-9199 and email to and
  • If the vehicle is rented from a rental agency, the rental agency must be contacted immediately. A copy of all paperwork associated with the rental agreement and the accident must be sent to Risk Management and Insurance.

Departments are responsible for the first $1,000 of damage to their vehicle and potentially to the vehicle of the other party if the department is deemed responsible for the accident.

Please contact the Associate Director, Risk Management and Insurance, at (603) 646-3837 if there are any questions.