2024 Flexible Spending Accounts
Dartmouth offers three different types of Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) through Sentinel Benefits.
2025 Open Enrollment
October 21 - November 4, 2024
Open Enrollment is your annual opportunity to make changes to your benefit coverages (medical, dental, wellnes, etc), add/remove coverage, add/remove dependents and re-enroll in the FSAs (including the child care subsidy) and HSAs for calendar year 2025.

Health Care FSA
A General Purpose Health Care Flexible Spending Account allows you to use pre-tax dollars to pay eligibe health care expenses not covered by your medical, dental or vision plans.
Limited Purpose FSA
A Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Account allows you to use pre-tax dollars to pay eligibe dental and vision expenses not covered by your dental or vision plans. An LPFSA cannot be used to cover medical expenses or over the counter expenses.
Dependent Care FSA
A Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account allows you to put aside tax-free dollars to pay for eligible dependent care needs, like those for child care or care for an elderly or disabled family member.
Child Care Subsidy
The Child Care Subsidy is a contribution provided by Dartmouth, into a Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (DCFSA) which can be used to help offset eligible pre-K child care expenses during the calendar year.
How FSA's Work
Every dollar contributed to your FSA is made on a before-tax basis. Each pay period. Dartmouth deducts the amount that you elect directly from your “gross” wages. This means that FSA contributions are deducted before federal, state, and FICA taxes.
Your year-end W-2 form from your employer will properly notify all of the government agencies of your participation in the program.
Sentinel Benefits VISA Debit Card
The Sentinel Benefits Visa Debit Card offers an added convenience of accessing your FSA funds with a Visa Debit Card. Because it’s a Visa card, you can use it most anywhere. The card is designed to help you:
- Save money on qualified expenses
- Reduce paperwork
- Eliminate the wait for reimbursement
- Eliminate out-of-pocket expenses and paperwork.
- Full amount of available funds is automatically loaded onto the card for immediate
- Use your Sentinel Benny® Card to pay for eligible items wherever Visa is accepted
Sentinel Benefits Mobile App
Download the Sentinel Benefits Mobile app to:
- View your FSA balance at a pharmacy—before you get into the check-out line.
- Be a better health care consumer by scanning item barcodes to compare prices of items to be sure you are getting the best deal.
- View the eligible expense list.
- Submit a claim
- Upload a provider invoice