Department Resources
Department Tools
Diebold Lookup Tool
This tool is provided by Computing.
Purpose: Used by department employees for looking up the CBORD CSGold/9-Digit number from the NetID associated with ID cards for processing transactions without card swipe entry.
Recommendation: Departments are advised to collect the NetID number from students, and to not require students to provide the 9-digit number.
Department Sponsored Funding
Note: Dartmouth Corporate cards or Purchasing cards should not be used for internal charges. This includes purchasing meal packs or making deposits to ID cards.
Purchases or Payments for Student
Any department seeking to cover a student expense should work with our office. The payment/purchase must be represented on the student account/D-Pay. These types of transactions could include:
- Department purchase of a graduate student meal pack for the student
- Department funding a balance for the student's ID card accounts
- Department funding an offset for a UG's DDS Charging balance
This kind of department sponsored funding is taxable and should be represented on the student tuition bill for tax reporting on the 1098-T.
Existing programs include Resident Fellows (ORL), Opus Fellows (Thayer), and individually requested case-by-case transactions.
Questions? Please call, email, or stop by the office to speak with the office manager or director.
Requests can be emailed to the Dartmouth Card Office with the funding GL Chart String and will be reviewed with the Director of Campus Billing and DartCard Services before processing takes place.
Purchases or Payments for Employees
Any department seeking to purchase meals for employees or to fund a balance in the employee's Prepaid discretionary account should work with our office.
The payment/purchase must be funded with a GL Chart String.
Some departments have appointments which offer pre-arranged benefits such as Discretionary balance or meals. Existing programs include German Studies Advisor, French and Italian Advisor, House Professors (ORL), Assistant Directors (ORL), and others.
Questions? Please call, email, or stop by the office to speak with the office manager or director.
Requests can be emailed to the Dartmouth Card Office with the funding GL Chart String.
Department Charge Accounts
About Department Charge Accounts
The Dartmouth Card Office provides the Department Charge card for business-related
dining purchases on-campus, as approved and requested by a department administrator.
The Department Charge card is only authorized for use in accordance with the Procurement Card and Corporate Card policies. In summary, Dartmouth requires justification for all purchases. The department
may be asked by Dartmouth to provide justification for transaction use on the Department
Charge card account.
In order to set up a Department Charge account, a GL Chart String number is required. Any transactions occurring on the Department Charge account accumulate during the month, and a monthly balance is journaled for billing to the provided GL Chart String number. Multiple cards can be assigned to the same Department Charge account. Also, multiple accounts can be created for different GL Chart Strings as needed.
As the journal/billed amount is a monthly total, reports can be generated for more detail upon request. If further information is needed, the report can help identify the specific transactions which comprise the total. To request reports for the Department Charge account, an email should be sent to the Dartmouth Card Office including the specific account number or GL Chart String.
There is no termination date assigned to Department Charge accounts. Use on the Department Charge accounts is at the discretion of the department.
Requests should be emailed to the Dartmouth Card Office with the following required information:
- GL Chart String number # (Note: the Natural Class is pre-determined.)
- Account Description (Note: this is used for naming the Department Card)
- Department approver and/or responsible account holders’ names
Meal Plans Purchased for Department Account Use
The named Department account holder contacts may request to have meals applied to the department charge account, billable to the account chart string. The cost rate is available upon request. The meals work at ’53 Commons only.
Requests should be emailed to the Dartmouth Card Office with the following required information:
- GL Chart String number # (Note: the Natural Class is pre-determined.)
- Account Description (Note: this is used for naming the Department Card)
- Department approver and/or responsible account holders’ names
Terminated Employees
Return of Employee ID Card
At the discretion of the department, ID cards for terminated or resigned employees can be collected by supervisors. This is not a requirement of the DartCard office.
The ID card should not be mailed to the DartCard office. If collected, the ID card should be shredded by the department.
Termination of Access
Access can be disabled in two ways.
Access is terminated as part of the normal termination procedure. Standard termination procedure deactivates the ID card and all related access levels. (More information about the termination procedure is overseen by Human Resources and Access Control.)
Alternately, access can be terminated via work order to the Work Control Office.