Biweekly Employee Time Reporting
All hourly-paid employees must record all hours worked within their designated electronic time management system. Biweekly employees with web-access should login to Kronos to track hours worked. Biweekly employees who do not have web-access will report their hours through a Kronos time clock.
Time reporting should be the exact time the employee began and ended working and is a legal record of the employee's time. All time is required to be reported by 11:59PM on Saturday at the end of the pay period.
Need to view your payslip? Go to Employee Self-Service and click on Payslip.
Time Reporting Responsibilities
Biweekly Employees Responsibilities for Kronos Web Entry
- Record hours worked accurately on the Kronos Timecard.
- Record hours at the beginning and end of each shift.
- Record benefit time and/or comments on the timesheet if needed.
- Review the timesheet for accuracy before the end of the pay period.
- Submit the timesheet no later than Saturday at Midnight on the last day of the pay period.
- Corrections or changes to timesheets should be rare. See Corrections Prior to the Payroll Processing Period or Corrections After to the Payroll Processing Period when appropriate.
- Biweekly Employee email reminders are sent 24 hours before the deadline.
Supervisor Responsibilities
- Biweekly Time Detail reports will be generated to supervisors at 7:00AM.
- All biweekly employee time must be reviewed and approved no later than noon on the Monday following the pay period.
- For supervisors with Kronos Supervisor Web Access, it is recommended that supervisors review timecards prior to the end of the pay period. It is recommended a weekly review of biweekly timecards be conducted by all supervisors.
- Review all timecards for all direct report employees.
Alternative Payroll Processing: Holiday and Other
Accelerated Payroll Processing:
Depending on the calendar, certain holiday periods may require that timecards are due before the end of the scheduled pay period. If the payroll deadline is before the end of my work week complete the timecard, and all anticipated hours for the pay period by the communicated deadline to ensure timely payroll processing. If anticipated hours change see Corrections after Payroll Processing Period.
When to Record Holiday
Regular benefits-eligible hourly employees recording holiday time on their timecard should select "Hol" from the Pay Code drop-down for those holidays recognized by the College. The employee should record the holiday with the daily total of their regularly scheduled hours in the Amount column. To review College Holidays, please go to Human Resources' Holiday & Winter Break website. If the employee did not work on the holiday, there should be no "In" or "Out" times reported for that day.
When to Record Holiday Worked
Regular benefits-eligible hourly employees who work on a College Holiday, should record the hours they ACTUALLY worked on the holiday "In" and "Out" columns. Additionally, total hours worked should be recorded as stated above in the "When to Record Holiday".
Please note: Temporary employees do not receive Holiday and Holiday Worked time. All time worked on the holiday should be recorded under the "In" and "Out" columns.
When to Record Other
Regular benefits-eligible hourly employees should record Winter Break by selecting "Winter Brk" from the Pay Code drop-down and daily total of their regularly scheduled hours in the Amount column. For further information regarding College Winter Break, please refer to the Holiday & Winter Break website.
Paid absences from work also should be recorded "Other Lost Time". For further information on types of paid absences see the Human Resources website.
Payroll Corrections
To ensure accuracy of biweekly Kronos Time Detail reports for supervisors and reinforce timely and accurate time reporting, Kronos Timecards will be automatically locked on Monday at 6:30AM following the close of the biweekly pay period. Biweekly Time Detail reports will be generated to supervisors at 7:00AM.
Supervisors and employees are encouraged to work with their Finance Center or the Dartmouth Payroll Office if they have questions on what steps are needed to correct the employee hours and pay. If there is missing, or incorrect time discovered on Monday following the close of the pay period and the timecard has been approved:
- The Employee or the Supervisor will email the Finance Center copying the Supervisor or Employee, respectively, to request the timecard be unapproved.
- The Finance Center will unapproved the timecard and email the Employee and Supervisor that the timecard is available for editing.
- The Employee will make their corrections to the timecard and email the Finance Center and the Supervisor that the edits are complete.
- The Finance Center will reapprove the timecard, take a snapshot of the final timecard, and email the snapshot of the final timecard to the Supervisor and Employee for final review.
Timesheet Revisions
A revised timesheet should only be used if an adjustment is needed for hours worked by an hourly employee in a previous pay period. Complete a Hourly-Paid Employees Revised/Prior Timesheet if the originally reported hours differ from the actual hours worked. It is essential to report any discrepancies between the submitted hours and the actual hours worked to Payroll in the following pay period.
If vacation days were recorded incorrectly, please inform your supervisor. Payroll must be notified within 30 days from the pay date of the incorrect vacation entry to make the necessary adjustments. If more than 30 days have passed, please contact your Human Resources consultant for approval.
The revised timesheet must include the employee’s name, the end date of the pay period being adjusted, the assignment number, the timekeeping location, and all hours worked and/or paid time off taken during the pay period being revised. After the revised timesheet is reviewed and signed by both the employee and the department supervisor, please submit it to the Payroll Office.
Both employers and employees are encouraged to consult with their Finance Center or the Dartmouth Payroll Office for assistance if they have questions regarding the steps needed to correct employee hours and pay. If a staff employee discovers an error on their timecard or needs to revise their hours after the payroll period has closed, both the employer and employee must use the form below to make the correction.
The Payroll Office will process corrections with the next payroll when submitted by the deadline.
- Hourly-Paid Employees Revised/Prior Timesheet (xlsx)
Note: Instructions on how to complete this form are on the second tab of the document.
You will need to download the form above, complete the information requested, print it and send it to the Payroll Office at HB 6161. Should you have additional questions, please contact Payroll at (603) 646-2697, or by emailing
Additional Resources and Guidance