Ordering Policy & Procedures

Authorized Dartmouth faculty and staff are empowered to purchase required products and services from external suppliers/vendors on behalf of the College. With delegated authority comes responsibility for ensuring that their procurement related duties are executed in an efficient, effective, professional and ethical manner. Employees are accountable for ensuring that their purchase activity is accurate, necessary and in accordance with College policies.

Terms and Conditions of Purchase

The following terms and conditions will apply to all orders unless there is a controlling agreement in place between "Dartmouth College" and the vendor.  The terms effective dates which correspond to the order date.

Modes of Procurement

Non-PO Orders

A Dartmouth College Purchase Order is not required when an order is less than $10,000 or has a Contract, Independent Contractor Agreement, or Master Services or Lease Agreement that has previous been approved by Procurement or General Counsel's Office for the same statement or scope of work.

Dartmouth College Credit Card: For use with all purchases of allowable goods and services under $5,000.00. Orders may not be pyramided to exceed this total.

Dartmouth College Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders are required prior to the purchase of goods and services when: 

  • the aggregate annual financial commitment is greater than or equal to $10,000
  • any value if within one of the following identified areas of risk:

- Food providers for College functions
- Construction - any design or construction work related to College facilities
- Travel and Transportation – buses and other off-campus trips
- Information Technology/Financial Services, typically involves access to:
       * personally identifiable information (PII),
       * protected health information (PHI),
       * financial data or other Dartmouth confidential and/or proprietary information
- Environmental Services – radioactive or hazardous waste management
- Intellectual Property – any transaction in which the College receives intellectual property rights (typically copyrights or patents)

  • the value of Capital equipment is in excess of $5,000
  • the goods bear Dartmouth word marks or logos
  • the services are performed outside of the United States

Additional Information regarding Purchase Orders: 

  • Purchase Orders are generally not printed and sent to the vendors unless requested.
  • Under no circumstances shall the vendor accept a Dartmouth College Purchase Requisition as a Dartmouth College Purchase Order. The Requisition is an internal document requesting a Purchase Order to be processed.
  • Accept and acknowledge the Purchase Order immediately.
  • Ship all goods, preferably prepaid, in accordance with specific shipping instructions requested at the time the order is placed. Presently, we do not have central receiving at Dartmouth College and any shipments sent incorrectly will either delay the payment or be reported missing and require tracing on your part.
  • Vendors shall not substitute products without the prior consent of Procurement Services and/or the requisitioning department.
  • Under no circumstances can vendor representatives walk a Purchase Order through the system in order to expedite the process. There are no exceptions.
  • Radioisotopes orders must be accompanied with a radioisotope authorization number (RAN) must be acquired from the BIORAFT system.